i clicked this thread from the main TI page not knowing whether it was for level 19 or 29
i play ret in both, as far as 19 i should say ''played'' cuz been inactive for months on the 19 ret, but the class is no different @ 19 right now than it was when i was playing it every day in arena.
19 ret is not a good class if it doesn't get its AP/str steroid proc going to make it on the level of ''scaryness'' of a feral/rogue/warr, and even then its in a very different kind of way... without that proc, the class revolves entirely around HoJ and living till the next hoj into healer with trinket down, to get the win then...
obviously this is very irritating, being not a skillful way or fun way to get a win either... its obvious for any team who knows they're about to recieve 2nd hoj that they cant trinket, that they lose, and not for skill reasons..
29 ret is totally diff, im 100% for crusader being banned @ that level because at least ret is good without it there, at 19, ret is NOT good without the huge str modifier proc
edit: landslide could work/supplement, but its so bad rng that alot of rets will go many many games without a proc (if there even is any, cuz sader ban will weed out tons)
as anyone who has played them knows, wet noodle style when sader isn't up. If its banned, no one should even run a comp w/ ret for it, imho