Considering a new Underused 19 to play (Alliance)


Born US, Raised Mexican
I've played a Ret paladin since WoLK and I've had my good and bad times with it.
But knowing that Rets are FotM atm, I really dont feel the same playing it, and I don't want to fall onto the same category.

Therefore I'd like some suggestions on what to roll that isn't used for obvious reason. My intent is to make those underused class/specs feel viable.

Please and thank you.

Based on IMs and notes from here, I've been suggested the following so far:

No melee- except maybe Enhancement Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Arcane Mage
Fire Mage
Frost Mage
Shadow Priest
Affliction Warlock
Demonology Warlock
Destruction Warlock
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Enhancement shaman still have not seen one and think they might be pretty good with the EF procs.
Enhance is really underrepresented, but i've seen more enhance than ele shams this xpac. I would suggest not making a mele character since WSG is just one big mid fight 9 times out of 10
Enhance is really underrepresented, but i've seen more enhance than ele shams this xpac. I would suggest not making a mele character since WSG is just one big mid fight 9 times out of 10

True^^ and enhancement shamans can really push some damage out, with a decent healer I think they could be very useful. Plus one of the longest DoTs you can put on a stealthy. It's very viable
I've played a Ret paladin since WoLK and I've had my good and bad times with it.
But knowing that Rets are FotM atm, I really dont feel the same playing it, and I don't want to fall onto the same category.

Therefore I'd like some suggestions on what to roll that isn't used for obvious reason. My intent is to make those underused class/specs feel viable.

Please and thank you.

If you don't want to make a melee class then from what I've seen arcane mages (with stacks) can do very well, coupled the the speed talent they have. As well as demonology warlocks, both do a very good amount of damage but I would suggest lock.
HB makes enhance look appealing despite the wet noodle like numbers that pop up sometimes..still looks like fun tho

also, i've been having fun on a warlock this expac as well...feels weird just typing that. Codeinetko is your lock of choice atm id say, force is strong with that one and is ali too!
I've played a Ret paladin since WoLK and I've had my good and bad times with it.
But knowing that Rets are FotM atm, I really dont feel the same playing it, and I don't want to fall onto the same category.

Therefore I'd like some suggestions on what to roll that isn't used for obvious reason. My intent is to make those underused class/specs feel viable.

Please and thank you.

I strongly support this attitude! The bracket needs more players who aren't stacking FOTM ^.^

Best of luck
i think you should make a frost mage, a good frost mage in a wsg can be the difference between a win and a loss
I strongly support this attitude! The bracket needs more players who aren't stacking FOTM ^.^

Best of luck

i strictly play windwalker and all i ever get is reroll bm pls i never get love from mocha :(
hey mocha. am i a fotm if i've been playing my hunter for 10 years :3

like i always say its only fotm if you played it before it was fotm because you predicted the fotm and could have played something else
like i always say its only fotm if you played it before it was fotm because you predicted the fotm and could have played something else
i mean it wasnt that bad in tbc. especially if people knew how to play correctly
I strongly support this attitude! The bracket needs more players who aren't stacking FOTM ^.^

Best of luck

Appreciated, doc.

Based on IMs and notes from here, I've been suggested the following so far:

No melee- except maybe Enhancement Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Frost Mage
Arcane Mage
Affliction Warlock
Demonology Warlock

I still got other things to do before I start the twink, so further suggestions are much appreciated.
Fire Mage, WW/MW munk, any Mage, lock, Hpal, or resto Druid :D
more healers needed tho
Lol I love you Marb <3

You forget that my monk is WW too! Supafast!

oh yeah i forgot! they nerfed WW FC flying serpent kick works like 4+ stacks(mop stacks) at all times now.. i knew you liked FCing as windwalker now all we do is fist people for a million

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