Can F2Ps still do bgs?


Hi guys, I am just returning after taking a long break. last played back in 6.0 I just tried to que for a bgs game and says free trial accounts are not allowed to. Is that how it is now?? Or is because this is a vet account and its bugged? Also does world pvp only start once I level up to 20?
Is there any reason to keep my old twinks level 10 and create a new one? or is all old gear just worthless now and might as well level my old twinks up?

many thanks if you can help me
You can do it as F2P but if you're on a lapse vet account and have XP turned off you can't queue into the lock account pool. You can contact support with your realm and character name and they can unlock the XP for you, but warn you that the next time you pay and unlock you run the chance of leveling up.
This. It’s a known bug. Even back during 6.0.

you’ll have to either sub and unlock exp and then get a refund


open a ticket like stated above and ask them to manually enable xp as it can’t be done by the npc, even if he takes your gold.

make 100% sure you’re a veteran status account and not F2P before trying the 1st option because any full f2p accounts will automatically level up with banked exp upon subscription

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