Call to 39's

This thread is designed to get the ball rolling with 39 activity (il post a link on the EU forums directing people to this thread)

Ok, the aim of this is to find out where the 39 twinks are playing at the moment; where 39 guilds are active, and where individual twinks reside. Please dont post "cyclone is active" as i know the scene is quiet to say the least at the moment. I merely aim to find out where 39 twinks are based, and this is intended to be the forum for them to identify themselves.

Please dont hijack this thread and turn it into an epeen stroking session as it puts people off, so keep ur personal issues with players out of this!

Once we know where people are playing, we can go from there, but until i know where people are playing, i cant make a genuine effort to encourage a migration to a specific battlegroup (as was the case in the 19 and 29 scene's which seem to be doin pretty well right about now)

In relation to me, i play on Silvermoon alliance side (Cyclone battlegroup). MYL the "established" guild here is quiet atm.

However, some friends on mine will be Xfering from Al'Akir (i believe its 6-7 people at the moment) and i know theres people already on Silvermoon who would become active if the bracket picked up.

I also know that <Johnny Berlin> is waiting in the wings along with a couple of other 39 guilds, all based on Ravecrest (horde, also in Cyclone battlegroup)
I will migrate to Silvermoon, Cyclone within a few days. Already have my 39 ready and set, just need some extra BoA's that might be good. (lolret)

I am rolling a holy paladin like my current active 19 is, and I've been playing WoW since release. I really hope 39 bracket will 'revive' and this is a great opportunity to tag along the train and be a part of the actual revive.

Hope many more people will get their heads up and transfer.
I re-activated my account a couple of days ago to see what things were like and it was pretty quiet. My lock, paladin and druid are looking forward to these new arrivals though :) I'm in MYL on Silvermoon ofc.

Are you starting a new guild for this Regulate? Get PM'ing me anyway son so we can get a couple of dates sorted for arena or w.e xx
I may start a new guild when my mates arrive from AA, but thats not that this is about atm. Im trying to find where in EU people are playing so i can get an idea of numbers and if people are willing to try and get some activity centralized on a specific BG (which tbh is the only way twinking works now if u want some sense of activity)

As for arenaz yea il pm u or log my RC toon an we can sort sumat out brah.
I leveld cause of non activeness @ misery and still got one @ cruelty. Not hard to reroll one though with the stuff in my vault but i think blizzard has to sort it out insted of pointing us towards de pay for migration button. Every battlegroup has the right to have these games and not just 1. They placed us in this mess in the first place. There are alot options to change it but they will not if there aren't enough replies on the official wow forums. We should make a stand there insted of filling their pockets :)
Thats a pretty long term plan ya got there, but fair enough, the payments are not for every1, but im trying to appeal to those that may be willing to pay to play on characters they have invested time into making.
Regulate said:
I may start a new guild when my mates arrive from AA, but thats not that this is about atm. Im trying to find where in EU people are playing so i can get an idea of numbers and if people are willing to try and get some activity centralized on a specific BG (which tbh is the only way twinking works now if u want some sense of activity)

As for arenaz yea il pm u or log my RC toon an we can sort sumat out brah.

Most if not all EU players that care enough to move know that Cyclone is the centre for activity, I only ask about the guild 'cause back when we tried to get more people over here, MYL (as you know) pretty much scared everyone away, their forum posters, guild invasions and noticeably shakey leads put a heavy dint in the entire battlegroups chances of expanding.

Everytime people said "silvermoon is the place for alliance at 39" people would just /rolleyes and bail.

Saying that some people would just look at 1 idiot and instantly stereotype the entire battlegroup based on that one person which didnt help either :p
Rezist said:
Most if not all EU players that care enough to move know that Cyclone is the centre for activity, I only ask about the guild 'cause back when we tried to get more people over here, MYL (as you know) pretty much scared everyone away, their forum posters, guild invasions and noticeably shakey leads put a heavy dint in the entire battlegroups chances of expanding.

Everytime people said "silvermoon is the place for alliance at 39" people would just /rolleyes and bail.

Saying that some people would just look at 1 idiot and instantly stereotype the entire battlegroup based on that one person which didnt help either :p

idd, i didnt particularly encourage the massive amounts of propaganda which went floating around every forum under the sun, but alot of players did indeed Xfer, and tbf, we need numbers at the mo as wsg once or perhaps not at all, each week is dire. Quality organization is needed, but an influx of players is also required.

Iv talked to a few of guys Xfering from Al'Akir this evening, and the general consensus is that we will start a new guild (not sure of name yet) so il keep people updated.

But i dont want this thread to get side-tracked so early, i still really want to find out where people are playing, and if there are people willing to Xfer to get games.
hmm i might reactivate my 39 if anything becomes real. i dont care about arena ( get enough of it on my 80's ) but regular wsg and arathi, :p
Count me in Pewi, we should have talked about it in a bit more detail yesterday.

As you said, there's no point lying to ourselves about the situation - 39 is not great at the moment, having said that it COULD be the place to be again. Fine, we have some hardcore players, but without building on that base we can just say the bracket is inactive at the moment.

FOR a very long time, particularly after Kutty left, I recommended a fresh start with new players to replace MYL. Regardless if i've been kicked or not, there is too much history, too much drama, some bad feeling, and players with different levels of interest in this bracket.

I'm not even worried if this new guild has some 'scrubs' in it, all we need are players who want to see the bracket grow and can have daily attendance. We've got several vents im sure, just need a new guild forum we can use.

As for the 29 project - this is something i've just been sidelining because there are daily wsg, and it's just something new and fresh without all this backstabbing going on.

Contact me in game over BDF.
Hmm...I think there has to be some balance. I think we do need more players, just ones that can add something to the bracket.
im progressing 39 rogue in ravencrest, already got a druid, active.

It's the only chars i play, seing 80 is boring.

If a new horde guild comes up running <- willing to xfer with rogue once im done
I take that on board and agree. I hope people see this as a fresh start for 39/Cyclone, and forget the flaming/drama that may have put them off before.

I also hope that from res's comments about horde side, that there is competition in both factions already, waiting for emerge, and that for these reasons cyclone would be a good place to launch a revival of the bracket.

Regulate said:
I take that on board and agree. I hope people see this as a fresh start for 39/Cyclone, and forget the flaming/drama that may have put them off before.

I also hope that from res's comments about horde side, that there is competition in both factions already, waiting for emerge, and that for these reasons cyclone would be a good place to launch a revival of the bracket.


Yeah everyone needs to move the **** on from the past and take interest in what we all want ACTIVITY.
Why not conduct ur meeting within this forum....cos aint that what they are for? The ball is rolling here now, why take it sumwhere else!
Wouldn't it be easier on IRC or ingame tho ? :p Some peeps might not have TI accounts :p

Btw I saw your posts on 39, looks good so far man :) Good luck rebuilding !

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