BoAs, A Must Have For A FC?

Well, lately i've been researching on making a FC druid.. Lots of people are saying BoAs are a "must have" I don't have the level 80 character to get these BoAs for me is the problem.. So i'm wondering if my 19 Druid FC will be "A-Okay" WITHOUT BoAs. :confused:


um.. you sould be ok but you'd have to at least faction change to make up for some of the losses and your heals won't be nearly as strong, I hope you have support. Best class to make without BOA's is a mage...
Grabco said:
um.. you sould be ok but you'd have to at least faction change to make up for some of the losses and your heals won't be nearly as strong, I hope you have support. Best class to make without BOA's is a mage...

Great. I can get the faction changes to get whatever I need. Or if not, I can always roll a mage. :)

well you dont exactly need boas, I mean take into consideration Painaid, No BoAs but considered to be one of the best FCs out there, you just gotta know the game. BoAs just make you alittle more annoying to kill but not a must.
The only BoA a druid FC should be using are the shoulders, and without them you will still do perfectly fine. The swap is a wee bit of armour, 3 stam and 3 agi for 6int or 2 stam depending which non boa you use. You will be perfectly fine without
You don't need BoA's at all.
Alrighty. :D thanks guys!

Eliot said:
You don't need BoA's at all.

Quoted for truth, not only this, but to take a quote from Painaid himself "as long as your in the ballpark gear doesn't matter, you can have 3k health and still die, it's about gaining distance and getting away from your opponents."

To add a personal not, I am new to Druid, 5 weeks and 3 weeks of premading now. I have nearly 3k health with buffs, die all the fricken time, gear is near perfect, it's not about that, and I am learning each day as we pug and premade that it's about managing the incoming, creating distance, and knowing how to get away.
from a FR standpoint it isn't as big of a difference, the goal of a FR is running, stam is nice, but you can have a decent amount without, how much do you lose, 3 on shoulders and....?

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