Well, I tried out the 95 int 55 spirit spellthread, doesn't work until lvl 85. Most leg patches even say it in the tooltip now "Wearer must be level 85 for the enchant to work". I think +16 armor is BiS.
main question now, what will be the next boa blizzard implants?
This^. C'mon Sneaks, you're slackin'.
Because levelling is too hard and slow nowadays..
can someone say the stats of the plate legs? are they better than Chausses of Westfall? (i highly doubt wowhead is correct about the stats)
Wowhead is correct with the stats of the BoA legs if you adjust the slider to 19. Most of the legs have the same stats of the helm except a few.
The stats on the plate legs are 6 strength 10 stam 4 crit 4 expertise if I remember correctly. The tanking plate ones have 4 parry instead of the crit.
Considering Wowhead states that they at lvl 19 give 30 stamina 20 str/agi/int and 13 crit 13 haste/hit w/e
wowhead is not correct, my advise would be getting atlas loot and check atlas at a lvl 19 toon.
Wowhead is correct with the stats of the BoA legs if you adjust the slider to 19. Most of the legs have the same stats of the helm except a few.
The stats on the plate legs are 6 strength 10 stam 4 crit 4 expertise if I remember correctly. The tanking plate ones have 4 parry instead of the crit.