best way to get BoAs?


hi guys, im going to need boas for my twinks so what is the best way to get them? i was thinking level through the bgs or start a dk as im almost 55
The easiest way if your not 85 is to do the argent tournament dailys and get the champion's seals. Be warned though, in order to use them for heirlooms you have to be exalted w/ all your faction cities. I didn't know this and waste a long time farming the seals.

My suggestion would probably be to start a DK, go tank spec, and level him through instances. By the time your 75 or so you will be exalted with all cities.
ScatMan103 said:
The easiest way if your not 85 is to do the argent tournament dailys and get the champion's seals. Be warned though, in order to use them for heirlooms you have to be exalted w/ all your faction cities. I didn't know this and waste a long time farming the seals.

My suggestion would probably be to start a DK, go tank spec, and level him through instances. By the time your 75 or so you will be exalted with all cities.

As far as I know the Home City Tabards only work in Azeroth Instances ie not Outland and Northrend Instances, so you may have to get Ambassador differently.

As Quests don't provide spill-over Rep post Revered or thereabouts anymore, you might consider doing Quests first till Revered and then do Instances for the rest. AV (eg turn-ins) provides Rep as well if I remember correctly, albeit slowly, but of course also provides you with Honor for the PvP ones if you are so inclined.
As stated before, Easiest way is Argent Crusader Tournament Dailies in Icecrown. You can start doing the dailies there at 78 iirc. It's also possible to solo HToC with 2 people at 85 with no heals(the beginning is the hardest but doable.) I did it with my Frost mage and a demo lock.

Aside from that, you can also grind honor at 85 with guildies.

As far as Justice Points go, it's the slowest way to get BoA gear, but if you do just grind Heroics, level a DK blood spec and tank it up! instant ques ftw. It'll be over before you know it.
just bumping this to say that, at least in late 2009, that the DK grind to exalted with the Argent Crusade is a long one if you do not use the Argent tabard in the level 80 dungeons (the rep gains from the Argent daily quests instead went toward Knights of the Ebon Blade)
Tinkerton said:
As far as I know the Home City Tabards only work in Azeroth Instances ie not Outland and Northrend Instances, so you may have to get Ambassador differently.

As Quests don't provide spill-over Rep post Revered or thereabouts anymore, you might consider doing Quests first till Revered and then do Instances for the rest. AV (eg turn-ins) provides Rep as well if I remember correctly, albeit slowly, but of course also provides you with Honor for the PvP ones if you are so inclined.

Actually the tabards work in Classic, Northrend and Cata instances. Only Outland instances don't work (for some weird and annoying reason)

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