best gold sites?


Twink Info Legend
just wondering if anyone here buys gold/has bought recently, or if everyone is just an AH wiz/daily nut cuz i could use some advice.

ive only bought once and it was in vanilla when me and a buddy split like 10k or something (and come to think of it we used his card so technically ive never bought gold online, i just gave him a few bucks irl), so i was wondering if anyone here buys and whats are some reputable sites (i.e wont steal account/personal info, etc.) that also have good prices.
I bought my brother some dosh on with paypal, they didn't have the full 60k at the time, so there was some waiting involved. I think he got some extra gold for the inconvenience

other than that I really don't know is awesome, and i'm pretty sure they sell to US aswell, but check it out :)
If not, search up on ownedcore for your realm name and find a personal seller, just make sure the person has got high reputation.
I bought a spectral tiger card on ebay and sold the epic mount for 1 mill gold and kept the blue one for myself (although I could've sold it for 400k-600k as well).


I used Itemgarden in the past, also Brogame. Both very good sites.

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