best f2p classes for carrying PuGs? non druid


washed f2p tink
considering playing f2p and i want a class that can carry games but i want it to be a non druid suggestions?
Kinda like whats 2+2? and I won't accept 4 as an answer.

Druid is the answer to your question.
A Vet Disc is so broken atm it can carry any PuG but you still need a decent FC. As RShaman you have a bit of everything (Support, Heal, FC-Capability, Movement)
Outside heal I would recommend a WW-Monk.

For EU I´d say:
As Horde theres plenty of Disc in every PuG so go RShaman.
As Alliance theres literally no healer next to the swarm of RDruids so Disc is best bet.

edit: F2P-Section so all counts for them as well :)
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Warlock imo ^^
You can use the leap to get to places other classes cant without using glitches etc. It's smart use of class mechanics but be ready to be yelled at from both sides of the team :^>
Edit: thought you meant FC. Disc seems very strong healer and most important for a bigger group imo
Ret pally is a very strong class that can top heals / damage in a game under the right conditions, I've done it quite a few times playing with 9 Ally Jaja's on my team... /cry

The only difference in abilities between 20 and 29 is a dot, doesn't do much damage but handy for keeping rogues from restealth, glyphs like judgement slow + kings buff, and divine protection which is 40% magic damage reduction. I'd say ret pally is one of the better classes to make a vet because of this, plus crusader is op. Make sure you pimp it out with an onyx claymore regardless of faction.
Disc frost bm resto sham arms ret

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