best day ever


just got a gm to unbind a shadowfang off my 36 warrior . id had it on him since pre tbc and just tryed for the nth time and a gm DID IT . i was so happy. im finaly able to use that baby on my twink rogue
Ughhh. I'm jealous. My first 19 twink ever got leveled after logging into Org for the first time in a few years. He was ported to outside of the city, and re-discovered Durator, and bam, level 20. Gms won't do anything for me. Asked for a de-level since I literally did nothing to ding, and then asked to at least unbind my shadowfangs. They said no to that as well :(
you know you play twinks when...

your best day ever was when you got your Shadowfang unbound.

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