Bastion Polygon Interview, Blue Tweets, DLC #727


Polygon Interview with Steve Danuser and Johnny Cash
Polygon recently interviewed lead narrative designer Steve Danuser and senior game designer Johnny Cash to find out more about the creation of Bastion.

  • Bastion resembles a traditional Heaven and is the first starting zone in Shadowlands. Players that pledge to the Kyrian covenant will play a major part in changing the Kyrian society and unlock new abilities.
  • Odyn based the Val'kyr off the Kyrians, the creatures he saw when he pierced through the veil and looked into the Shadowlands.
  • A quest will feature a Tauren taking the trials of the Kyrian. Players will help this Tauren, which ultimately turns into a Kyrian himself.

Blue Tweets
Ion Hazzikostas has shared some info about the recent changes to Ineffable Truth and the Blood Elves and Void Elves Customization that's coming in Shadowlands.

Dark Legacy Comics #727
DLC #727 has been released.

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