Back to the Sixties Horde Stormreaver-EU


Hello all Pre-TBC-enthusiasts, I am Guild Master Lozok. Welcome to <Back to the Sixties>'s second upraising.

Guild Information

Server - Stormreaver-EU (PvP, High)
Faction - Horde
Type - Primarly PvE
Level - 13
Language - English
Nationalities - Primarly Scandinavian

Guild History (for those interested)

Originally the leftovers of <Orkhal>, <Reflection>'s follow-up, some of the bigger 60 guilds of TBC and early WotLK. Although few old-schoolers remained, our guild had great success throughout the expansion, thanks to hundreds of new additions from ever-supportive Stormreaver. Longer breaks however has decreased activity to nearly none. This is as stated the second rebuilding of our once great empire, and with declining interest in the 60-community, we've decided to again open our Forum-recruitment, in order to gather a proper raiding roster.


We want to bring back our old community, with a few changes. A place where you can have fun, play with people with similar passions and interests within the game, PvP, join our world events and casual raids.
The primary aim however lies on gathering a core raid roster, players who would be interested in spicing up the current somewhat shallow vanilla content, by customizing our characters, allowing a range of hardmodes on the little available content, rather than casually one-shot every encounter.


All classes and races are currently allowed and welcome to apply, however those of you interested in our unique approach to raiding, and wish to apply to the core section of the guild, you will have to start the "customizing" as early as at the character creation.


• You may join our casual 60 raids
• You may join the PvP community
• You're welcome regardless of class and race


• You may join our core 60 raids

You're limited by class/race selection, aka you're not a ...

• Paladin/DK/Monk
• Blood Elf/Goblin/Pandarian
• The Shattering race/class combination

(This following step is under construction, templates have been calculated and will see dramatic changes once put in practice. Also, as mentioned, these only applies to raids, and not outside.)

You agree on limiting your character within raids, including ...

• No glyphs
• Customized talents/specialization
• Usage of recent spell additions (e.g. Water Shield)
• Varying gear & enchants
• Use of consumables
• Zero proffession benefits

While we understand that some people have doubts that vanilla raids will ever be the same, we instead strive to reach the same hardmode difficulty, and if downgraded enough, resulting in perhaps a slightly different appearance but very similar feeling.

Progress Information

Questions are prefered as replies to this thread or optionally you can contact us in-game.
To see information about our past and accomplishments see our older thread (2011 version)
Questions are prefered as replies to this thread, our official forum thread or optionally you can contact us in-game.

GM - Lozok
Co-GM - Xoth
Officers - Shamläkarn
Recruit-management: Svarthimmel, Yöndruidi

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Reserved for future needs..


I have removed old and inaccurate descriptions of guild recruitment to make the thread look fresher :)
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Lozok said:
Bump. (Btw cleared guild of Paladin alts since people wasn't playing them anyway so now we are pure vanilla guild. Going to raid with old talents etc first time this Saturday)

There is no old talents anymore man
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I would love to join your guild since on my 60's server theres like 3 twinks? I made a warrior named Orcyslash there to contact you, but no1 were online so decided to level him to 60 :)
And we are now recruiting again after a long break! ^^

Hello everyone, just bumping to say that we have a friend from the US realms who would want to RaF with someone here on EU! Message me for details!

Edit: Problem has been solved :)
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1½ month mark since I ressurected our old recruitment thread and while our video is getting some nice views we've only had 2 people join from other servers, one of which from the US. I know there's a decent amount of Horde twinks out there but they are scattered, and while our recruitment is starting to yield results I know with you guys help it would grow even faster.

To support the bracket & community we've been in contact with the two bigger 60 Alliance guilds and we're going to try to bring back PvP in some form, now two months into the expansion.

Friday 23rd 20.00 CET we will be running WSG / AB

My guild can support these numbers so it would be sad if there was an absence of Alliance, when all this time people has complained that there's too few Horde. Spread the word guys, cya in the BGs!
Were a crew on ahn'qiraj horde, were up for this, just pm Hannyh, Lín for further info! <3
You should post this on EU forums aswell, u might already have done that sorry in that case :) havent found it yet! anyways u should also get everyone to sign with their names to count how many we'll be, 6 on each side is enough to get a queue pop so this shouldnt be hard to get going. I can bring 4-5 ppl aprox


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