Hey just wondering
if people are prepping toons for BfA twinking in SL. Legion 110 twinking is a lot of fun right now, bg pop in 10 mins.
There are somethings you might want to be trying to get.
This thread is updated with Shadowlands item levels. SL dungeons seem to drop 110ilvl gear. M Nyalotha boss 11 and 12 drop 140ilvl gear/145ilvl azerite. First 10 drop 130ilvl gear.
This thread is mostly aimed at people looking to pvp/pveBoost on BfA capped accounts.
US 50 Twink community links:
Horde US 50's community
In-Game code: 7YedXNqsv2Y
Alliance US 50's community
In-Game code: gPDl79jTYyR
Azerite essences, azerite armor, and the legendary cloak’s mainstat proc will not work in Shadowlands zones or instances.
Rewards That Cannot Be Earned after Shadowlands Launch
M+ and Rated PvP for high ilvl gear: All non-azerite dungeon gear from m+ is of GF’d ilvl once SL comes out and you can’t do it any more. There is no titanforge for any items in M0 or other 8.3 updated content. There are many interesting and powerful items from BFA dungeons. SAME THING for pvp trinkets obtainable at ilvl based on pvp Rating.
M14/15 items are 120ilvl in SL, m15 Weekly items are 130ilvl(same as the first 10 bosses in M nyalotha, your main legit source for gear). Even if you have some "boring" 130 M+ items. you could have items for slots with stat combos that you wouldn't have otherwise.
Examples of interesting gear that I'm lucky to be able to share:
The staff has 47 int less than a normal weapon/1h combo its not too bad. I have 700intellect. Though you could have 2 sockets on 1h/Oh.
from the end chest of 15's.
Gear From pvp::
Rated PvP if you want the multiple available pvp trinkets at high ilvl. For the weekly chest or Warlords Trophys: 2400 for 130ilvl gear in SL, 2100 for 125. 1800 rating gets you access to 130ilvl PvP Azerite Gear. Every armor type has 2-4 available azerite items per slot. These would have GF ilvl azerite traits in SL(the traits unique to pvp armor, located on the second ring are the important thing here). You will need to obtain trophies before pre-patch
Conquest cap for 460(115ilvl) BFA trinkets without pvp rating.
You can get 460(115ilvl in SL) pvp trinkets by Capping your Conquest Bar NOW BEFORE SL RELEASE. Conquest cap is available during the prepatch.
You get trinkets at Cap 13, 17, 22. So thats 3. You can chose from the 6 available, and they can proc a tertiary stat. 4 new PvP trinkets were added in BfA, not sure if those will come from SL warmode pvp. The best choice for your 3 trinkets would be Maledict>Badge>Emblem in that order. (might not work after corruption removed)
(spite still adds corruption to training dummy on ptr, not sure if any negative corruption would proc, it only goes up to 39 corruption anyways)
You can cap your conquest reward bar as many times in a week as you want when you are behind weeks. There are MANY ways to earn/farm Conquest points that dont involve Rated PVP, however the most efficient are time-gated so you need to start NOW.
Essences: There is 1 Azerite Essence obtained from Rated PvP. After the prepatch, this essence can only be unlocked for your account via a level 60 alt in Shadowlands. It looks like it will require the level 60 to get 1400 rating in any pvp bracket to buy it. (1000 for rank2)
Essences are obtainable via an account wide system and buyable for Echoes of Nyalotha currency afterwards, so you only need this, or others done on 1 character. Only up to rank 3 though.
Legendary rank 4 cosmetics needs to be earned on specific characters except for Spark of Inspiration, and the 3 M+ Essences. They can be bought from Vendors account wide BEFORE THE SL LAUNCH.
Power still obtainable in Shadowlands:
SL Gear: All I know is that dungeons should be dropping 110ilvl gear. I'm not gonna look into SL professions or PVP gear obtainable at 50 just yet. I guess I'll post what I find but if they make it so you can't use the items/power on a BfA account it's the power abusers' faults. The first dungeon might not be available until level 51.
Heart of Azeroth Level: You can infinitely increase the ilvl of your neck, it will be something like 1ilvl per azerite rank.
2nd one is 89 rank.
The Heart of Azeroth essence system uses your neck level as a coefficient in the formula for the strength of the azerite essences that deal numeric healing/damage, or give a numeric value of a stat. Vision of Perfection increases cooldown reduction up to 25%, ending at neck level 84.
Legendary cloak: Heavily nerfed progression system as of May and June 2020. You can enchant this cloak with BFA tailoring, or possibly others will work from SL.
Essences: Life-Binders Invocation, Essence of the Focusing Iris, and Anima of Life and Death essences will still be obtainable in Shadowlands via currency looted from the last boss of Mythic dungeons.
Conflict and Strife can be bought for "Honor", (a new currency?). The text says required 1000/1400 rating for rank 2 and 3. This is probably only obtainable for your first time on an account, as a level 60, once shadowlands releases.
Because essences ARE an account wide system up to rank 3s, Conflict and Strife will still be obtainable for your account, to purchase via Echoes of Nyalotha currency on a level 50, if you have a level 60 alt.
Visions of Nzoth content: these scenarios are a 1-5 man dungeon, (better to solo based on class). You can obtain a 470(125ilvl in SL, 5ilvls below mythic) item weekly if you do a "5 mask clear". You upgrade your Legendary cape Rank/ilvl in these. You do these to buy a socket adding item*.
Gouged Eye of N'Zoth(8.3 patch SOCKET ADDING ITEM):
*When you have completed your Research Tree system with MOTHER, per character, you will gain the ability to buy an item from Wrathion to ADD A SOCKET TO ANY 8.3 GEAR. you will get .5-1 of these items a week depending on how many daily quests you do and your amount of vision grinding.
All vision scenario content is available for solo or group queue in Shadowlands.
Punchcards at above 430 ilvl: right now the brawler chest on mechagon still drops red punchcards at last tiers levels. 404 and can titanforge up to 455. Rares also drop yellow punch cards in the same fashion. Uncle T’rogg is a rare with 100% chance to drop a yellow card on a daily lockout. Punchcards obtained not from these 2 sources are fixed 430 ilvl and can’t titanforge.
These are bugged on beta, I submitted a ticket. The trinket is defaulting to 74ilvl regardless of your inserted cards. The trinket is a pretty interesting item but being hampered in ilvl via a bug makes it not competitive enough likely.
Azshara+Crucible of Storms Gear: These 3 bosses drop some interesting items with procs. Also font of azshara trinket, and the 2 dps ones from U'unat are really strong. They have a max ilvl of 455, which is 110 in SL. There will be little reason to do these raids in SL for max level people.
If titanforge is completely removed from all parts of the game in SL (a theory) then you would want to be killing her on Heroic weekly. (unlikey any average player kills her on mythic these days). Its too hard to do Crucible of Storms, so I doubt anyone has any 455(110) ilvl items from there.
Wierd shit: Probably bugged or not scaled correctly yet. Left is a base one (its a pretty good trinket... if u upgraded to 111ilvl) Right is a max upgraded.
Covenants: what the fuck are they?
A Covenant is like an order hall. There will be 4. Joining a Covenant gives 1 movement focused spell, and one combat focus spell. You can obtain Conduits(relics) that have traits that boost/alter class/spec abilities, or your Conduit's combat ability. You link with a story NPC to gain access to an upgrade talent tree within your players Covenant power called Soulbinds.
For players who like to play more than one character—once you’ve reached maximum level with one character and chosen a Covenant for them, you’ll be able to immediately choose a Covenant for any additional characters who reach Shadowlands.
This will get you your base convenant ability at level 50??
Covenant Callings
Once you have joined your Covenant and started your Sanctum, you will begin to receive Covenant Callings. These are specific world-level quests that call upon you to perform great deeds for your Covenant, with high rewards for success. You will receive three Covenant Callings at a time, and like World Quests, these have specific durations and rewards. These can only be picked up inside your Sanctum, not out in the world.
Covenant Callings are scaled to begin at level 50, so alts who join Covenants from the start can also begin Covenant Callings. Callings will reward Renown, a currency that:
Tldr: hit 60 on a character first to unlock covenant (and covenant callings world quests) for your level 50s. Leave questing on 50s for after this, so you can travel to any zone, and kill all rares, stuff like that.
Then account transfer probably, unless you are trying to go for max renown level on 50.
I’ll update this thread if anything new is learned about items or power becoming GF or similar outcome in SL.
if people are prepping toons for BfA twinking in SL. Legion 110 twinking is a lot of fun right now, bg pop in 10 mins.
There are somethings you might want to be trying to get.
This thread is updated with Shadowlands item levels. SL dungeons seem to drop 110ilvl gear. M Nyalotha boss 11 and 12 drop 140ilvl gear/145ilvl azerite. First 10 drop 130ilvl gear.
This thread is mostly aimed at people looking to pvp/pveBoost on BfA capped accounts.
US 50 Twink community links:
Horde US 50's community
In-Game code: 7YedXNqsv2Y
Alliance US 50's community
In-Game code: gPDl79jTYyR
Azerite essences, azerite armor, and the legendary cloak’s mainstat proc will not work in Shadowlands zones or instances.
Rewards That Cannot Be Earned after Shadowlands Launch
Uncorrupted Voidwing from Heroic N'Zoth
- Rank 4 Legendary Cosmetic Essences and
Phenomenal Cosmic Power for "Azeroth's Champion" title.
Awakened Mindborer from Mythic+, and 'the Awakened" 50+ account wide title.
Conspicuous Consumption for purchasing
Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from a vendor
Mad World from Horrific Visions, for the account wide, any level title "the Faceless One"
- corruptions, as the system is gone
- Season 4 PvP rewards
- Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge Ny'alotha achievements
- Conflict and Strife essence
- R4 Vision of Perfection
M+ and Rated PvP for high ilvl gear: All non-azerite dungeon gear from m+ is of GF’d ilvl once SL comes out and you can’t do it any more. There is no titanforge for any items in M0 or other 8.3 updated content. There are many interesting and powerful items from BFA dungeons. SAME THING for pvp trinkets obtainable at ilvl based on pvp Rating.
M14/15 items are 120ilvl in SL, m15 Weekly items are 130ilvl(same as the first 10 bosses in M nyalotha, your main legit source for gear). Even if you have some "boring" 130 M+ items. you could have items for slots with stat combos that you wouldn't have otherwise.
Examples of interesting gear that I'm lucky to be able to share:
The staff has 47 int less than a normal weapon/1h combo its not too bad. I have 700intellect. Though you could have 2 sockets on 1h/Oh.
Gear From pvp::
Rated PvP if you want the multiple available pvp trinkets at high ilvl. For the weekly chest or Warlords Trophys: 2400 for 130ilvl gear in SL, 2100 for 125. 1800 rating gets you access to 130ilvl PvP Azerite Gear. Every armor type has 2-4 available azerite items per slot. These would have GF ilvl azerite traits in SL(the traits unique to pvp armor, located on the second ring are the important thing here). You will need to obtain trophies before pre-patch
Conquest cap for 460(115ilvl) BFA trinkets without pvp rating.
You can get 460(115ilvl in SL) pvp trinkets by Capping your Conquest Bar NOW BEFORE SL RELEASE. Conquest cap is available during the prepatch.
You get trinkets at Cap 13, 17, 22. So thats 3. You can chose from the 6 available, and they can proc a tertiary stat. 4 new PvP trinkets were added in BfA, not sure if those will come from SL warmode pvp. The best choice for your 3 trinkets would be Maledict>Badge>Emblem in that order. (might not work after corruption removed)
(spite still adds corruption to training dummy on ptr, not sure if any negative corruption would proc, it only goes up to 39 corruption anyways)
You can cap your conquest reward bar as many times in a week as you want when you are behind weeks. There are MANY ways to earn/farm Conquest points that dont involve Rated PVP, however the most efficient are time-gated so you need to start NOW.
Essences: There is 1 Azerite Essence obtained from Rated PvP. After the prepatch, this essence can only be unlocked for your account via a level 60 alt in Shadowlands. It looks like it will require the level 60 to get 1400 rating in any pvp bracket to buy it. (1000 for rank2)
Essences are obtainable via an account wide system and buyable for Echoes of Nyalotha currency afterwards, so you only need this, or others done on 1 character. Only up to rank 3 though.
Legendary rank 4 cosmetics needs to be earned on specific characters except for Spark of Inspiration, and the 3 M+ Essences. They can be bought from Vendors account wide BEFORE THE SL LAUNCH.
Power still obtainable in Shadowlands:
SL Gear: All I know is that dungeons should be dropping 110ilvl gear. I'm not gonna look into SL professions or PVP gear obtainable at 50 just yet. I guess I'll post what I find but if they make it so you can't use the items/power on a BfA account it's the power abusers' faults. The first dungeon might not be available until level 51.
Heart of Azeroth Level: You can infinitely increase the ilvl of your neck, it will be something like 1ilvl per azerite rank.
The Heart of Azeroth essence system uses your neck level as a coefficient in the formula for the strength of the azerite essences that deal numeric healing/damage, or give a numeric value of a stat. Vision of Perfection increases cooldown reduction up to 25%, ending at neck level 84.
Legendary cloak: Heavily nerfed progression system as of May and June 2020. You can enchant this cloak with BFA tailoring, or possibly others will work from SL.
Essences: Life-Binders Invocation, Essence of the Focusing Iris, and Anima of Life and Death essences will still be obtainable in Shadowlands via currency looted from the last boss of Mythic dungeons.
Conflict and Strife can be bought for "Honor", (a new currency?). The text says required 1000/1400 rating for rank 2 and 3. This is probably only obtainable for your first time on an account, as a level 60, once shadowlands releases.
Because essences ARE an account wide system up to rank 3s, Conflict and Strife will still be obtainable for your account, to purchase via Echoes of Nyalotha currency on a level 50, if you have a level 60 alt.
Visions of Nzoth content: these scenarios are a 1-5 man dungeon, (better to solo based on class). You can obtain a 470(125ilvl in SL, 5ilvls below mythic) item weekly if you do a "5 mask clear". You upgrade your Legendary cape Rank/ilvl in these. You do these to buy a socket adding item*.
Gouged Eye of N'Zoth(8.3 patch SOCKET ADDING ITEM):
*When you have completed your Research Tree system with MOTHER, per character, you will gain the ability to buy an item from Wrathion to ADD A SOCKET TO ANY 8.3 GEAR. you will get .5-1 of these items a week depending on how many daily quests you do and your amount of vision grinding.
All vision scenario content is available for solo or group queue in Shadowlands.
Punchcards at above 430 ilvl: right now the brawler chest on mechagon still drops red punchcards at last tiers levels. 404 and can titanforge up to 455. Rares also drop yellow punch cards in the same fashion. Uncle T’rogg is a rare with 100% chance to drop a yellow card on a daily lockout. Punchcards obtained not from these 2 sources are fixed 430 ilvl and can’t titanforge.
These are bugged on beta, I submitted a ticket. The trinket is defaulting to 74ilvl regardless of your inserted cards. The trinket is a pretty interesting item but being hampered in ilvl via a bug makes it not competitive enough likely.
Azshara+Crucible of Storms Gear: These 3 bosses drop some interesting items with procs. Also font of azshara trinket, and the 2 dps ones from U'unat are really strong. They have a max ilvl of 455, which is 110 in SL. There will be little reason to do these raids in SL for max level people.
If titanforge is completely removed from all parts of the game in SL (a theory) then you would want to be killing her on Heroic weekly. (unlikey any average player kills her on mythic these days). Its too hard to do Crucible of Storms, so I doubt anyone has any 455(110) ilvl items from there.
Wierd shit: Probably bugged or not scaled correctly yet. Left is a base one (its a pretty good trinket... if u upgraded to 111ilvl) Right is a max upgraded.
Covenants: what the fuck are they?
A Covenant is like an order hall. There will be 4. Joining a Covenant gives 1 movement focused spell, and one combat focus spell. You can obtain Conduits(relics) that have traits that boost/alter class/spec abilities, or your Conduit's combat ability. You link with a story NPC to gain access to an upgrade talent tree within your players Covenant power called Soulbinds.
For players who like to play more than one character—once you’ve reached maximum level with one character and chosen a Covenant for them, you’ll be able to immediately choose a Covenant for any additional characters who reach Shadowlands.
This will get you your base convenant ability at level 50??
Covenant Callings
Once you have joined your Covenant and started your Sanctum, you will begin to receive Covenant Callings. These are specific world-level quests that call upon you to perform great deeds for your Covenant, with high rewards for success. You will receive three Covenant Callings at a time, and like World Quests, these have specific durations and rewards. These can only be picked up inside your Sanctum, not out in the world.
Covenant Callings are scaled to begin at level 50, so alts who join Covenants from the start can also begin Covenant Callings. Callings will reward Renown, a currency that:
- deepen connections with Soulbinds
- raise maximum potential of the features within your Sanctum
- increase item levels of items acquired from World Quests
- unlock a wide variety of features, including rewards, quests, followers, cosmetics, etc.
- give access to recipes, including Legendary Runeforging recipes for the Runecrafter in Torghast
- allow you to acquire Covenant-specific items such as mounts, pets, a title, back attachment transmogs, and transmog armor
obviously most of this is unimportant to a level 50
Tldr: hit 60 on a character first to unlock covenant (and covenant callings world quests) for your level 50s. Leave questing on 50s for after this, so you can travel to any zone, and kill all rares, stuff like that.
Then account transfer probably, unless you are trying to go for max renown level on 50.
I’ll update this thread if anything new is learned about items or power becoming GF or similar outcome in SL.
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