Any hope of saving my 19 warrior?


I renewed my subscription to WoW so that I could see if what I was hearing about twinks coming back was true and I logged into my warrior who had mysteriously earned some XP while I was on a two year vacation.

It was enough to put him over the line and up to level 20 :( I put a ticket in to see if there is anything I can have done to fix it but I am not very hopefull. It seems to me this is a bug/glitch or whatever you call it. I logged him out in Orgrimmar last and he must have earned exploritory XP since he was outside the city when I logged in this morning.

I had him pretty well geared and I would not be able to recreate him. Deadskull shield etc... Has anyone experienced this and had it reversed? There is always 29 but I liked him at 19.

My Paladin was 1 xp away from 20 when I logged in and his ability to earn xp has been turned off. My priest is in Shattrath and needs to find a ride home lol.
petition a gm and tell them. explain everything
Thank you. I did send one in, it was thorough and I tried to keep it upbeat and explained the reason for coming back at all was to twink in the lower battlegrounds.

I'll update here with information if I actually get put back at 19...

How do I "thank" someone in this forum? I can't see a button for it.
you have to be a donor to do it nowadays
petitioning a gm is a long an arduous process. you're going to get lots of no's before you get a yes, so have some patience and be nice to the gm's.

Now, don't say someone else did it. if someone else is on your account that violates end user agreements and they'll be less inclined to help you. Don't use the word "twink", and don't whine.

Think about what you want to say beforehand, and think out some responses to questions you think you may be asked.

GL mate.
I was very tempted to just run out and start leveling to get to 29 but decided to try this route first. I have three other twinks to mess with so I'll be able to take a while on this one before I just go ahead and move him on to 29. All those hours.... leveled away

On another note this forum is outstanding. Most of the information I search for on google ends up being here.
Jungis said:
I was very tempted to just run out and start leveling to get to 29 but decided to try this route first. I have three other twinks to mess with so I'll be able to take a while on this one before I just go ahead and move him on to 29. All those hours.... leveled away

On another note this forum is outstanding. Most of the information I search for on google ends up being here.

we try :)

sorry to hear about your warrior, just keep at it with ticket after ticket until someone does something for you.
Jungis said:
I was very tempted to just run out and start leveling to get to 29 but decided to try this route first. I have three other twinks to mess with so I'll be able to take a while on this one before I just go ahead and move him on to 29. All those hours.... leveled away

On another note this forum is outstanding. Most of the information I search for on google ends up being here.

If you have grandfathered gear its worth the effort. that and 19 is the most accessible bracket, there will always be people playing here.
Sorry to hear about your warrior leveling up.....but that might actually be a good thing. Warriors are pretty gimped in the 19 bracket. 29's is a lot better. At the very least you can play any spec instead of being forced into fury.

fochixi said:
Sorry to hear about your warrior leveling up.....but that might actually be a good thing. Warriors are pretty gimped in the 19 bracket. 29's is a lot better. At the very least you can play any spec instead of being forced into fury.


29's is better for warrs, but sooner or later 19 warrs will be ok again. He's got gear you cant get anymore and the toon is salvageable.
yeah if he can wait it out that will be cool but based on the most recent ghostcrawler ramblings, I don't see any help coming along for level 19 warriors any time soon. The only thing applicapble to low level pvp that was mentioned was that HS was doing too much damage and nerfs in the high levels could trickle down to the low levels too. There was also some discussion about haste, but, mostly it was how it would effect spells that don't apply to the 19 bracket. I'll be watching it though, especially since I'm one of the few people promoting the use of haste on warriors.

I'd be surprised if anything changed for warriors before the end of the year.

back on topic: If you got other toons and like the 19 bracket, then hang in there. If it doesn't get fixed, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Level 29 is a blast for warriors, just slower with the ques.
I got my first reply back. It was a nice upbeat letter encouraging me to move up and level to 29. The GM made light of it and didn't come right out and say no. I was told to suggest this be implimented on the official forums and consider this the bump I needed to get on to 29 ;)

I replied back asking for a reason why I leveled. It wont change it but at least I'll know why I was pushed over 19. I figure I'll give it another few replies to see if I get anywhere.
don't stop. be straight to the point. don't back down. but don't be rude.
I think this was pretty to the point without sounding like a whiner. Do these just get shuffled though to whatever GM is working or will I be dealing with the same person all through it? I think my chances are better if I keep getting bumped around. Sooner or later someone will be bored enough to help me out.

Thanks for getting back to me. I understand that you deal with many issues and you need to prioritize what's the best use of time. I don't think my issue is any more or less important than most people's and don't expect any special treatment. I am pretty bummed though.

I did appreciate someone taking the time to reply to me. I need to rephrase my question I guess though. I am fine with the fact that something had leveled me but I don't tink it was anything I did to cause it. I actually went to lengths to keep it from happening it all together.

I do have a character at level 29 that I use in the battlegrounds and would rather keep my warrior in the 15 - 19 bracket. My deadskull shield is one of the reasons I came back to Warcraft. The fact that Blizzard grandfathered items into the new game made me believe that I would be able to come back and enjoy WoW for what I like the most. Lower level battlegrounds are fun to me when you can get the right group together and it's a strategic game as much as it is about the gear. The overall changes to battlegrounds and PvP while I was away was the single most determining factor for why I wanted to come back.

If you could explain to me how I leveled though I would appreciate it. I logged him out almost two years ago inside Orgrimmar and from what I understand since the game world was "broken" characters were moved around for the changes. I understand that, but I had already explored Orgrimmar and the surrounding areas while accumulating my gear for that character. His build was thought out and I took time to make sure I didn't level past the 10 - 19 bracket. I took care to keep him away from any experience. So is this considered a bug?

If it's at all possible to roll my Tauren Warrior back to level 19 I would be very appreciative. I double dog dare you to do it.
I think you leveled because they lowered the amount of xp it takes to level since you last played. So instead of moving you up to were you would be based on xp they stopped you at 1 xp to go. So as soon as you did anything almost you would level.

Your not the first time i've heard of this happening, but its the first time I have heard this explanation.
So I've had this EXACT same problem sucked

Messaged 7 GM's finally got one who said email (problem is is im 99% sure thats it but not 100% sure)...and I emailed them and it worked! So send ticket after ticket BEGGING them and one will finally help you. that email may work, like i said im 99% sure thats right. Hope that helped!

I remember when this happened to a friend of mine, he put in a ticket and he was back to lvl 19 when he next logged in. hope all goes well :)
good points about not whining, etc.

Seems like Blizz has a pretty strong rule against un-leveling chars.

I think you should stick with the point about "why did the toon level?" I bet they're more likely to make the exception because the 'mistake' was theirs, not yours. You had XP-off and (I bet) had already explored the city you entered. Seems like Blizz turned your xp back on and reset the exploration, so the toon leveled through no fault of your own.

That's gotta be the strongest case there is for a reversal of the leveling.
jesus christ, i think im going to write a guide on how to petition a gm.

double dog dare you? who says that? ralphie in "a christmas story"? how old is he, 10?

right there, in one sentence you thoughtlessly tacked on the end of your letter, you equated yourself to a 10-year-old and made your whole post worthless.

g. g.

No, you do not "want to understand how you got leveled", you feel you were leveled wrongly and the situation ought to be remedied. You're a dissatisfied customer, not a teen trying to beg his way into a bar. state what you want without being demanding. its NOT hard.

why do people feel they need to "outsmart" or "barter" with gm's?

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