Ally Rogue - Gnome vs. Human


I'm getting somewhat close to finish twinking my UD Rogue:

Kalkí @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft

I plan on going alliance once the twinking is all said and done, but I'm trying to decide whether I want to go Human or Gnome.

Really it comes down to 1.45 min Escape Artist vs. Two Minute trinket + 12 stam.

I know that the common thought is that 2 min trinket/12 stam is better, but having EA on 1.45min CD seems to be pretty nice, especially since it doesn't share a CD with trinket.

I'm trying to think of matchups where one is better than the other, as well as take into account what classes are most represented.

vs. Hunter - If EA/Trinket/SS/Sprint/Evasion/Speed Pot are up, I can see gnome being much more potent, although until Bat stun is taken away, its still a very, very hard matchup if the hunter knows what he/she is doing.

vs. Holy Priest - Not much experience here, but I would think it would be a very hard fight for any rogue. Fear plus Chastise means that you have to eat one or the other. Of course having the 5 min trinket is even worse, especially if its not up. I guess this tips it towards human, but still a tough matchup unless you catch them in a closed quarter situation.

vs. Disc Priest - Kind of the same as Holy, except maybe not so daunting. I still don't see a rogue bursting down a fully decked out Disc Priest, unless they get caught off guard and make mistakes. Human would probably be given the adv since their trinket would be up more likely.

vs. Holy Pal - Haven't fought any that are exceptional. Suppose human gets slight adv because of lower cd on trinket

vs. Prot Pal - Not sure here either.

Basically, I"m just confused as hell. I like gnomes just because hunters are so plentiful, and if they ever take that damn bat stun away, a gnome rogue with full CDs would stand a decent shot vs. a hunter if played right. But it seems for most everything else, I guess human has the advantage.

What do you guys think?
You offhand the BoA mace, that woukd tip the balance in favor of human imo since in a full BiS setup they are very close.
actually curly Defenses like to use these things called frost mages... But anyways my vote goes for gnome not only do you get EA you also get arcane resist which will help a lot vs poly and hunters using arcane shot
augiddin said:
actually curly Defenses like to use these things called frost mages... But anyways my vote goes for gnome not only do you get EA you also get arcane resist which will help a lot vs poly and hunters using arcane shot

When is there a frost mage on D in a pug maybe 1 out of 20 games??
Think of when you are on O there are mainly pallys and priests on D making EA completely useless

Oh please shut up.

- If you don't tab target (which you should) You will find gnomes very annoying to 'click' on.

Also gnomes get a bunch of arcane resistance which helps lower damage on Hunters/Amage attacks.

The escape artist is also a very good thing escaping from 'snarehuggers' at times.


Humans get an extra trinket slot which provides another AGM (12 stamina)

Gnomes would have to use the 5 minute BOA (twice as long cd as emfh) But would gain a small increase on Resiliance.

Obviously if you wanted to survive longer you would choose gnome, Which means longer pressure on EFC.
If you use jumps gnome is a bad way to go. To be completely honest though if you intend on pugging the majority of the time the I'd go NE. Shadowmeld is fucking beautiful in the hands of a skilled player.
Take Nightelf and you have yourself a twink vanish with the use of Shadowmeld + Stealth macro. Has saved my ass numerous times. Lets you get off 2 ambushes on one target
Human by far.

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