Yeah I was going to say it’s probably easier. So I have a character on every single single server at at least 1 factions AH and I can 100% confirm currently they range between 50-250g with the average server sitting at 100-150g so not too bad.I think Ive decided to spend my time farming gold and Im just gonna buy one instead.
I think Ive decided to spend my time farming gold and Im just gonna buy one instead.
Managed to farm one on my level 40 shaman using the ravager 2h axe and some decent gear. Took about 9 runs. Since then ive got 3 more boe's. I skin all the leather and send to a LW to convert into heavy leather and sell crafted gear on AH, I send the greens to another bank alt to just sell for better than vendor/disenchant value, usually 25-40 silver each. I have turned SFK farming into a viable gold per hour method, and when a SFK finally does drop the profit spikes. Can't wait to get to 60 and really perfect my methods.
Mages suck farming the first part due to frost resist, and are quishy, and we can't make pallies on horde side, so I like using an enhancement shaman to farm. Even at 40 I can pull 5 mobs at a time, crusader helps heal without using mana, and windfury procs after ravager is done most of the time, and sader procs off ravagers spin as well. The mail armor offers better dmg reduction, but unlike warriors, I can heal when needed. Once I get to 60 I can spec enough into the resto tree as well to get quick heals that dont have much kickback and can crit more often for o shit moments.
I'd even go so far as to say if geared and played correctly shaman could be the fastest SFK farming class. I intend on going blacksmith in addition to my skinning, to unlock the chests.
By the time you're 60 you can probably just spec into the elemental tree and get the fire totem damage up, shock cd lower and extra crits for clearing mobs quicker.
I doubt you'll even need the extra points into the resto tree, the quicker you kill mobs, the less damage they're going to deal to you
Just get to 60, man... everything is easier. A couple hours farming at 60 and you can buy one, don't gimp yourself.Im only 49 on my main.. so its not so easy.. I also play rogue.
1/5000 runs was after patch 2.3, its waaay more common than that0.05% something like 1 in 5000 runs if I remember rightly. Only reason it’s so common is due to people doing a lot of carries.
You can pop on ravager if you're alliance. The fiery blaze proc can proc ravager which can proc fiery blaze. It's actually disgusting.Also interesting tactic I noticed some guy on my server using: (Applicable to any who can use 2h Axe), you can round up as many mobs as you can tank for a few hits (Probably quite a few with Mail+ armour) and have your equipped. This should AoE them all down in a few hits with 60+ DPS armour equipped and talents.
Really effective to boost/farm low level dungeons
Edit: just seen potato posting about using the same method
Some are more common than othersThere are 11 Blues possible from SFK so 1/11 chance per blue you see.