[02:02:44] Visez NonStop: So I got to play like 24/7 ?
[02:03:09] Visez NonStop: can I get out with warlock summon ?
[02:03:28] Felix: no you cant
[02:03:34] Felix: starter zone is over an hour
[02:03:55] Visez NonStop: so its Sunday achievements run?
[02:04:26] Felix: lil is going to try to get groups for bloodsail and argent
[02:05:03] Visez NonStop: the only problem is that .. this f2p char is the only wow char I have .. If I get banned... I'm not going to level abother or play another
[02:05:40] Visez NonStop: but .. a lot of people are doing it... so problably we are not going to get banned
[02:05:42] Felix: if i get banned im uninstalling aswell
[02:05:56] Visez NonStop: fuck yeah
[02:06:50] Visez NonStop: I think this is s gift from All-Mighty Earlwing
[02:07:08] Visez NonStop: Shoul I post that on Twink Info ?
[02:07:13] Visez NonStop: d*
[02:07:56] Felix: nah its still just the shit the blizzard monkies throw at us
[02:08:14] Visez NonStop: U
[02:08:16] Visez NonStop: U ?
[02:08:24] Visez NonStop: dont belive in Earlwing..
[02:08:36] Visez NonStop: damn son
[02:08:45] Visez NonStop: Blasfemy
[02:08:57] Felix: blasphemy*
[02:09:05] Felix: and hes jsut made up like the easter bunny
[02:09:13] Visez NonStop: yeah right
[02:09:21] Visez NonStop:
[02:11:24] Visez NonStop: I am going to post this in the forum.. after that we are going to burn you