Achievement Whores and Grand Arena Master


Dare to be Optimistic
This is mainly a rant other than anything I really dont understand the achievement whores out there and there obsession of the Grand Arena Master, I would be alittle bit more understanding (maybe) if the achievement lead to giving you a title but it doesnt, I mean come on 80s, or any higher lvl thats only doing it for what the 20 total achievement points you will get from doing this achievement. Achievement points that do NOTHING FOR YOU!!!! litterally come on, NOTHING!

It just bothers me on how many 80s get that grand arena master and then just destroy it or vendor it (not sure if it sells) Just now I went for it, and a 80 said I need it, you dont need shit, you just need the self satisfaction of thinking your somewhat better for having 20 more achievement points. I do agree its a good thing to do when you are done with your dailies and dungeons, but Honestly After you get done doing your heroics, and dailies, if you still have time to play then you need a life.

I really hate blizzard for making that a achievement, it litterally makes life as a twink so much harder to get the most sought after item as a twink so much harder. But let me ask you this. What makes 80s think they NEED a item just because its a achievement. A achievement that doesnt even lead to the two things Achievements give you (mounts and titles). If you have a 80 I ask dont be a achievement whore and kill the twinks that actually would use the item. Cause with the time you spend getting all 12 of the arena masters you could be getting alot more achievement points elsewhere.
Thanks for venting. I've seriously considered transfering my twink to a different server specifically for AGM. There are so many people in the guild that need it so I would be one less person to worry about. If i can spend money to transfer to and from servers to get a SF I can transfer to get 2X agms on my twinks.

Actually now that I'm on the subject, I would like some suggestions of servers that would be easy mode AGM's. Im thinking some RP server but not sure which one.
You and people like you are the reason why 80 think its soo funny to take those 10/20 achivment points.
elocon said:
You and people like you are the reason why 80 think its soo funny to take those 10/20 achivment points.

Only some of them. I had one 80 rogue kill me and grab it. When I was running back, he said "I just deleted that trinket". That's the kind of person that you are talking about. Ones that ONLY do it to ruin it for the twinks. But hasnt that been going on before achievements were introduced?

Most 80s that go for the trinket only just want their nerd points. I can remember try to reason and plead with the 80s. They INSISTED that they be the one to get the trinket because it increases their nerd pointzz. So lets see, they get 10 points, out of over 10000 possible, from looting an item from a chest that someone else will actually use. They take it a step further by doing it 11 more times.

I just dont get it..
Grabco said:
Thanks for venting. I've seriously considered transfering my twink to a different server specifically for AGM. There are so many people in the guild that need it so I would be one less person to worry about. If i can spend money to transfer to and from servers to get a SF I can transfer to get 2X agms on my twinks.

Actually now that I'm on the subject, I would like some suggestions of servers that would be easy mode AGM's. Im thinking some RP server but not sure which one.

US Realm Stats -
just find new/low pop servers.

on a lighter note, i got the luckiest sap ever on an 80 rogue who was there themselves.

did a quick inspection before going in, and luckily they didn't have their pvp trinket up, sapped and took taht shit ftwwww
AGM woes

Its been a few minutes since this topic has come up. check out these threads for some helpful info


getting ur AGM(s) has become one of those things like the fishing hat where patience and persistence is necessary. Talking to ppl helps a lot too. There will always be achievement whores just have to work around or against them. Same goes for those people who for some reason think its their mission in life to stop twinks from getting it.
Crilicilyn said:
1. get 80 friends

2. get Agm

3. ???

4. profit


I find it amusing to camp people like you on my 80, and feel the rage flow.
You find it amusing to camp level 19 twinks trying to get AGM on your 80? If so you are a sad individual.

It really bothers me too, but I have an 80 which I can take people out if needed and I have actually taken the chest from them just so they can't get it, since I can't relog fast enough. It is counter productive though, cause they will just come back later. :rolleyes:

Many people have been added to my KoS and Hatelist for being dicks and having to take a great trinket from someone for 10 useless points.

I am 5 away from my 6th AGM. Most going solo. You just have to be patient.
Parfait said:
You find it amusing to camp level 19 twinks trying to get AGM on your 80? If so you are a sad individual.

It really bothers me too, but I have an 80 which I can take people out if needed and I have actually taken the chest from them just so they can't get it, since I can't relog fast enough. It is counter productive though, cause they will just come back later. :rolleyes:

Many people have been added to my KoS and Hatelist for being dicks and having to take a great trinket from someone for 10 useless points.

I am 5 away from my 6th AGM. Most going solo. You just have to be patient.

Sometimes I hang out in STV on my 80 or 60 and gank everyone.. fun shit. I usually let a twink have it, but meh sometimes I don't.
Parfait said:
You find it amusing to camp level 19 twinks trying to get AGM on your 80? If so you are a sad individual.

It really bothers me too, but I have an 80 which I can take people out if needed and I have actually taken the chest from them just so they can't get it, since I can't relog fast enough. It is counter productive though, cause they will just come back later. :rolleyes:

Many people have been added to my KoS and Hatelist for being dicks and having to take a great trinket from someone for 10 useless points.

I am 5 away from my 6th AGM. Most going solo. You just have to be patient.

Just learn to hot log. Its not that difficult even with a crappy machine.
I just completed my first trinket on my twink. I am about to start working on my second one. It took me 2 months to get one trinket because of mostly level 80 Achievement whores. The first 2 weeks every morning I log in there was a level 80 Rogue going for it. If i beat him to it he would kill me. After he was done a level 80 Druid started camping it. When he was done a level 30+ Rogue started showing up. That one I hated because he would be stealthed then when I jump into the arena he would appear. Once he appears I would just turn back and log out....he would still run after me and kill me after he already looted the chest. That made me so mad I parked my higher level toons there and I would just kill him and loot the chest even though I did not want the AGM on that toon. After a couple of weeks of this i made him a deal to leave him alone for 2 weeks. Once he completed and stopped showing up I only had to deal with the random level 80 Achievement whores.

If I was not 3/4 of the way to Explorer on my twink I would have re rolled on a low pop server because of this.

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