[A] [19] Twink Info


Twink Info On The Venture Co

Twink Info is looking for Active/Skilled twinks and that are willing to put forth the effort to make this Guild active.

What we have to offer our member:
A guild bank full of Rumsy Rum
Pots for Premades.
Members that are willing to help new twinks

Guild Rules:
No mid or GY farming
Dont farm HKs stick to the objective of getting the flag and capturing

If you want to join contact me at HDexplict123@hotmail.com or over this website or in game on The Venture Co my toons name is Dubatwink or Silentcrit
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I'd definitely be interested, just I've got a few questions. How high is the standard? My mains server is saurfang which means I won't be able to get BoA. Also what times are you generally on? I'm in AEST, which generally means that my 7pm is the US 5am. And are you supplying enchants?



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