Hello and welcome to my guide. I feel like hpal is quite overlooked in the 19 bracket so naturally I wanted to see how strong they could be, and made one. This is my attempt to shine some light on what is now slowly becoming my favorite class at 19.
Lets get this part out of the way!
Helm - Green Lens of the Aurora/Quickblade (Eng)
Neck - Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed (BoA)
Shoulders - Pristine Light Forged Spaulders (BoA)
Back - Cape of the Brotherhood (Drop)
Chest - Slitherscale (Drop and Trade)
Bracers - BG Crate (Reward from winning random bg)
Gloves - Slitherscale (Drop)
Belt - Slitherscale (Drop)
Pants - Slitherscale (Drop)
Boots - Slitherscale (Drop)
Ring1 - Lorekeeper's Ring (PvP vendor in Ashenvale)
Ring2 - Deep Fathom Ring (Drop)
Trink1 - Discerning Eye of the Beast (BoA)
Trink2 - Inherited Mark of Tyranny (BoA)
Weapon - Jagged Star of the Aurora (BoE)
OH - BG Crate (Reward from winning random bg)
ENCHANTS --------------------------------------------------------------
Helm - None
Neck - Satyr
Shoulders - Crane Wing inscription
Back - +2 intellect
Chest - Glorious stats
Wrist - Greater Spellpower
Gloves - Glove Reinforcements
Belt - none
Pants - none
Boots - Boars Speed/Tuskarr's Vitality (Tuskarr's is usually cheaper and it does the exact same thing)
Ring1 - Vers
Ring2 - Vers
Weapon - Eleforce/Heartsong
OH - Major Int (I dont use Vitality because i believe the int to be stronger than the lesser amount of vers you get and at this point after everything else mentioned is equipped and enchanted another 30hp wont be game changing)
- Bestow Faith - Great instant cast heal. Although it is delayed it can line up nicely when healing with Flash of Light or Holy Shock.
- Light's Hammer - Only good for farming dungeons and pulling large groups of mobs (slither scale set)
- Crusaders Might - No.
So in this guide I'm considering a few things:
- No sketchy enchant trick on bops (its sketchy)
- No GF'd invasion gear (Current/newer twinks cant obtain it so I'm leaving it out as "BiS")
- Black Widow Band is left out due to its rarity and price range (pretty sure its GF'd/not droppable anymore)
- Mystic's Sphere is left out for the same reason^^
-This is NOT a stack build (ie: this gear is how I personally enjoy playing and what i believe is a very fun/viable build)
-I wont be discussing races and what they provide to hpal as they are quite self explanatory. (ie - Tauren = More hp and stun / Human = increased crit mastery and vers and human racial) ez stuff.
-Since this is a healing/assisting dmg class we will be more so stationary in the battlefield, with our use of consecration further enforcing us to play in a turret-like position. This is to explain the reason as to why I did not use the enchants for stacking move speed on cloak and boots. However I do use an enchant with slight speed on the boots to aid in creating distance/getting to a team mate that much quicker while not sacrificing too much of the Int we want from what we can get from the cloak enchant.
-Emphasizing the previous point I consider Hpal to be a STRONG ASSIST class. I am aware there are classes better at damaging and better at healing but the uniqueness of the hpal and the utility it brings to BG's is what makes me enjoy it. So this guide is not to explain how to beat all classes and become 1v1 gawd, because we cant. I believe we simply don't have the amount of offensive skills it takes to topple a fully geared Rsham, Druid, or MW monk. The main difference/reason for this is consecration, which again i view as a utility spell for reasons to be mentioned...VVV
Things you may have heard:
**Jagged Star > BG Crate weapon - Confirmed. The jagged star allows your Crusader Strike to hit for more and provides the same if not better stats. Visit the AH every so often to snag one.
**BG's dont drop shields/held in offhands for hpals - EDIT: This is incorrect. BGs DO drop shields and the best to get would be "of the aurora". Since this is harder to obtain while you are striving to get one, pick up a Commander's Crest from SFK as it will keep the same amount of armor as other shields and give you more haste for slightly faster cast times for Flash of Light. Through more experimentation and community suggestions I agree now, that haste is better than crit for Hpal xD. Black Husk Shield provides the same stat gains as Commander's Crest with an additional +2 armor and has a 5 charge use to remove a poison effect. While i do think Black Husk Shield is swaggy the use effect it has is meaningless at 19 and the +2 armor doesn't add the suggested pricetag value at 300k+ in my eyes
**Slither-scale > Plate - Confirmed. The int boost from the set bonus is too good to ignore as an hpal. The armor difference doesn't matter in a noticeable way. I have a warrior in plate who gets hit just as hard as my hpal does, but the hpal can heal and with the gear/enchants i have in this build you have enough stam in the end to make up for the armor difference you may be worried about. My hpal has 1730 unbuffed so that is rather healthy in my opinion, 1900 with priest buff.
**BoA Neck > Any BoP/BoE - Confirmed. Heal is too good to pass (also helpful when kicked) and works well when paired with stam trink for yet another decent instant self-heal.
**Although Hpal IS a healing class I dont believe going full int is the best way to go as this is more glass cannony and healers get targeted much more often, plus we are already wearing mail so with this build and the gear choices, imo its just more wholesome. This is the reason for 7stam on gloves as opposed to SP or int or anything else as well as the reasoning behind: Green Lens > Spellpower Goggles Extreme (plus) and Inherited Mark of Tyranny > double BoA Int trinket.
Tips & Tricks:
****Stun Early and Often - In a dueling context specifically or 1v1 I like to stun early on as this immediately puts pressure on them to use a defensive CD. Most likely their Honorable Medallion. The reason i say this is because the CD of HoJ is just slightly faster than your enemy's Honorable Medallion. So in my eyes in a 1v1 situation the only time youll get use out of your stun is by the second time it comes off CD in the fight in which case the enemy will not have Honorable Medallion back up and you can get a full stun off. Some may say save HoJ for an interrupt mid-fight but since we are an hpal, if the enemy is healing themselves so can we with a flash of light followed by a Holy Shock or Bestow Faith. We have 2 uninterruptible heals. If the enemy is casting an attack the same still stands heal yourself through it.
****Do tha C-walk - Use Consecration when defending an FC or Base node to play the "floor is lava" game and walk around the Base node/FC. Consecration lasts a total of 12 seconds and can be cast every 5 sec so use this to your advantage while on D or in the back of a group healing party members as it can deter stealthies from opening up on you in the back of a group leaving you alone and vulnerable. Dance around the perimiter and through the area of Consecration while re-casting it, as this will cause stealthies to ocasionally get distanced from the objective/FC. Re-casting Consecration also gives an element of randomness to your "attacks" so stealthies may sometimes get hit with it unexpectedly and thus may not open up on you as strongly. Consecration is also great for blocking pathways from stealthies as well: Tun in wsg, roof entrance in wsg, etc. this can benefit your FC greatly. (sub tip - keep a WeakAuras timer on when consecration will run out after its casted)
****Taunting - What? Oh yeah. If you see a rogue by you and they just happen to slip away and you can feel a stun coming on, taunt a nearby enemy that is within range of your taunt and this will put you in combat with that enemy player and the rogue will not be able to sap you. Use it whenever you can to stay in combat as often as possible to not get hit with a sap.
****Weapon Swapping - I recently experimented with this and the only thing I have found that can be worth while is having (Ideally) two jagged stars of the aurora and enchant 1 with eleforce and 1 with Heartsong OR Costal Surge. Similar to how a 19 warrior can get the crusader buff to pop then switch to eleforce weapons, when the coast is clear for a fact and you feel secure not to be attacked I switch to my Heartsong/Costal Surge weapon and heal people because when Heartsong procs it bring my char to 20% vers (with no other buffs) and since vers impacts dmg taken, dmg dealt and healing dealt it adds some slight "armor" if you do end up taking a hit while also allowing your heals do more. Then once you feel the tide changing in the fight and you may need to go on the offensive switch back to eleforce and if you get the proc on heartsong and swap it will stay on you just like crusader with warriors so the eleforce will then hit harder too. Win win.
- Costal Surge is fantastic because it gives a chance to apply a HoT to the target. This is great for a few things... You can allow it to top people off as to not waste mana and over heal a target. It also helps when you need to heal the same target back to back with Flash of Light because it acts as a nice "cushion" to the targets health and provides (for lack of a better term) "Support Heals" in between your cast times. It can also be applied to multiple targets and if the procs go right you can get a HoT on quite a few people from possibly only using one healing spell (including instant casts). This enchant changes the playstyle slightly too because with Costal Surge you can randomly heal team mates in hopes to get a proc on them (think of this as similar to a priest pre-bubble) its very helpful to start a fight with it already on you/your team mates.
****LoH Jr. - sometimes when i see if a team mate is taking heavy dmg but they already have a healer or two on them I try my best to line up a Bestow Faith to go off right as im done casting a Flash of Light and then as soon as that Flash of Light is done Insta-cast Holy Shock and its essentially going to heal ANYONE to full if not 90%. this can be the difference between life and death if a heavy hitting ability is about to hit your team mate and your team mate is at low hp already (Aimed Shot, Chaosbolt sometimes, starsurge, rampage). This takes timing to line up and awareness of enemy resource pools as well as CDs on your other abilities (Holy Shock).
****Trailing off the previous point, Holy Shock is an incredibly useful spell at 19 so my tip for this is very simple have a timer easily visible to you that shows when its about to be off CD (WeakAuras) because who the time its off CD it may be of more use to you as a dmg spell or a heal.
****Flash of Light faking - as an Hpal we dont have many offensive abilities so when attacking someone in between offensive CD's start to cast Flash of Light to try and juke a kick into an instant heal because most likely by the time you've done this you'll have holy shock ready again or another ability will come off CD to use/reapply to yourself. I've noticed people typically kick me at about 2/3rds done with the cast so keep this in mind as well.
****Mind the stun - i know earlier i said to use it almost first thing, but when in a BG setting its a little different. Save it for when you know the enemy has already used their Honorable Medallion, as i believe HoJ is the longest lasting stun at 19 so if u can get a full one off one someone who is deserving (EFC,Enemy healer) - do it after you've seen them use it. Also continuing on the concept of stuns make sure if you use a stun bomb not to have consecration under them as this will negate the bombs stun.
Engineering - For the head piece, the stun bombs are nice every once in a while, a bit hard to aim though.
Alchemy - for Alchemist's Flask - gives 8 to main stat (int) (plus mixology perk for created drinks to last longer)
Cooking - Vers buff from making a fire, plus you can make food that gives 5stam and 5vers buff.
How does Hpal compare to other classes? What is the typical play from an hpal when facing X,Y,Z?
-Rogues: Use honorable medallion as soon as they cheapshot on their opener, HoJ them, Force their honorable medallion, immediately cast bestow faith and holy shock on yourself as you're most likely halfed already at this point, consecrate again in case its a NE with shadowmeld, attack and repeat.
-Hunter - stay put and avoid freezing trap, they will try to kite but you can out heal the dmg IF you stay still and heal, use Bestow faith wisely and use holy shock mostly as offense and use crusader strike to kill pet in consecration. you can kill them with Judgement and Holy Shock alone. Obviously try and get in melee range if/when you can but dont over extend out of consecration.
-Warrior - try to run with them so they cant charge and HoJ early in fight, bestow faith is important in this one because rampage can be a bitch to deal with if they catch you slippin. maintain heals and unless its a tauren you're safe to heal away as they have no interrupt aside from bombs.
Druid - tough one - constant dots plus starsurge burst potential
MW monk - tough one - melee version of druid with triple kick passive
Rsham - tough one - wind shear and flameshock dot is strong
Mage - Stun asap to force an early blink or honorable medallion use, cast bestow faith and holy shock on yourself and run towards them, since they dont have a slow you should be able to get a few crusader strikes on them as well as judgement and holy shock when you see fit. Relatively easy to beat. just remember to heal yourself as you may get parked when having missiles casted at you.
Lock - typically ends with them draining stationary until oom so you can wait for that and slowly whittle them away with crusader strike, judgement and consecration and hopefully a well timed HoJ can let you end it. Killing pet isn't quite worth it as it is a quick cast time to summon them back.
Priest - this is healer vs healer so just maintain dps on them and try to lure them closer to your teammates who can hopefully put a little more substantial dmg down in a shorter amount of time to make sure you seal the deal through the priests bubble
Abilities and their uses:
Judgement: This is by far the hardest hitting ability we have - use as execute on low hp targets when you have the opportunity
Crusader Strike: Melee ability use when possible
Consecration: use to deter stealthies, and create block points, decent dot dmg to fight on top of.
Holy Shock: Ranged damage ability OR a heal. Most important aspect about this ability is to make sure you are aware of its CD and when it will be up again.
Bestow Faith: Instant cast delayed heal, great for off healing a target or when you expect big dmg to come. Be aware of when the heal will go off to possibly time it with other abilities/items.
Hammer of Justice: 8 sec stun - use wisely due to CD
Hand Of Reckoning: Taunt move, used to avoid saps in battle
Divine Shield: Try to use at the last moment you can as you can cast bestow faith and holy shock in the shield essentially extending your hp by double. use wisely due to long CD. Can be used as a second/Third CC breaking ability.
Flash of Light: Main heal, only castable heal, easy to interrupt. practice juking.
Redemption: Rez spell (meh)
Shout out to @necroaqua for inspiring this research I've done. I constantly compared the info on the guides you've so kindly put out there for everyone and took it as an outline for me to use for this.
This is open for discussion as well - please let me know if I've overlooked anything or if you want to simply converse about what I've written!
(Final Note - this is a WiP, i will condense and elaborate where needed!)
Lets get this part out of the way!
Helm - Green Lens of the Aurora/Quickblade (Eng)
Neck - Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed (BoA)
Shoulders - Pristine Light Forged Spaulders (BoA)
Back - Cape of the Brotherhood (Drop)
Chest - Slitherscale (Drop and Trade)
Bracers - BG Crate (Reward from winning random bg)
Gloves - Slitherscale (Drop)
Belt - Slitherscale (Drop)
Pants - Slitherscale (Drop)
Boots - Slitherscale (Drop)
Ring1 - Lorekeeper's Ring (PvP vendor in Ashenvale)
Ring2 - Deep Fathom Ring (Drop)
Trink1 - Discerning Eye of the Beast (BoA)
Trink2 - Inherited Mark of Tyranny (BoA)
Weapon - Jagged Star of the Aurora (BoE)
OH - BG Crate (Reward from winning random bg)
ENCHANTS --------------------------------------------------------------
Helm - None
Neck - Satyr
Shoulders - Crane Wing inscription
Back - +2 intellect
Chest - Glorious stats
Wrist - Greater Spellpower
Gloves - Glove Reinforcements
Belt - none
Pants - none
Boots - Boars Speed/Tuskarr's Vitality (Tuskarr's is usually cheaper and it does the exact same thing)
Ring1 - Vers
Ring2 - Vers
Weapon - Eleforce/Heartsong
OH - Major Int (I dont use Vitality because i believe the int to be stronger than the lesser amount of vers you get and at this point after everything else mentioned is equipped and enchanted another 30hp wont be game changing)
- Bestow Faith - Great instant cast heal. Although it is delayed it can line up nicely when healing with Flash of Light or Holy Shock.
- Light's Hammer - Only good for farming dungeons and pulling large groups of mobs (slither scale set)
- Crusaders Might - No.
So in this guide I'm considering a few things:
- No sketchy enchant trick on bops (its sketchy)
- No GF'd invasion gear (Current/newer twinks cant obtain it so I'm leaving it out as "BiS")
- Black Widow Band is left out due to its rarity and price range (pretty sure its GF'd/not droppable anymore)
- Mystic's Sphere is left out for the same reason^^
-This is NOT a stack build (ie: this gear is how I personally enjoy playing and what i believe is a very fun/viable build)
-I wont be discussing races and what they provide to hpal as they are quite self explanatory. (ie - Tauren = More hp and stun / Human = increased crit mastery and vers and human racial) ez stuff.
-Since this is a healing/assisting dmg class we will be more so stationary in the battlefield, with our use of consecration further enforcing us to play in a turret-like position. This is to explain the reason as to why I did not use the enchants for stacking move speed on cloak and boots. However I do use an enchant with slight speed on the boots to aid in creating distance/getting to a team mate that much quicker while not sacrificing too much of the Int we want from what we can get from the cloak enchant.
-Emphasizing the previous point I consider Hpal to be a STRONG ASSIST class. I am aware there are classes better at damaging and better at healing but the uniqueness of the hpal and the utility it brings to BG's is what makes me enjoy it. So this guide is not to explain how to beat all classes and become 1v1 gawd, because we cant. I believe we simply don't have the amount of offensive skills it takes to topple a fully geared Rsham, Druid, or MW monk. The main difference/reason for this is consecration, which again i view as a utility spell for reasons to be mentioned...VVV
Things you may have heard:
**Jagged Star > BG Crate weapon - Confirmed. The jagged star allows your Crusader Strike to hit for more and provides the same if not better stats. Visit the AH every so often to snag one.
**BG's dont drop shields/held in offhands for hpals - EDIT: This is incorrect. BGs DO drop shields and the best to get would be "of the aurora". Since this is harder to obtain while you are striving to get one, pick up a Commander's Crest from SFK as it will keep the same amount of armor as other shields and give you more haste for slightly faster cast times for Flash of Light. Through more experimentation and community suggestions I agree now, that haste is better than crit for Hpal xD. Black Husk Shield provides the same stat gains as Commander's Crest with an additional +2 armor and has a 5 charge use to remove a poison effect. While i do think Black Husk Shield is swaggy the use effect it has is meaningless at 19 and the +2 armor doesn't add the suggested pricetag value at 300k+ in my eyes
**Slither-scale > Plate - Confirmed. The int boost from the set bonus is too good to ignore as an hpal. The armor difference doesn't matter in a noticeable way. I have a warrior in plate who gets hit just as hard as my hpal does, but the hpal can heal and with the gear/enchants i have in this build you have enough stam in the end to make up for the armor difference you may be worried about. My hpal has 1730 unbuffed so that is rather healthy in my opinion, 1900 with priest buff.
**BoA Neck > Any BoP/BoE - Confirmed. Heal is too good to pass (also helpful when kicked) and works well when paired with stam trink for yet another decent instant self-heal.
**Although Hpal IS a healing class I dont believe going full int is the best way to go as this is more glass cannony and healers get targeted much more often, plus we are already wearing mail so with this build and the gear choices, imo its just more wholesome. This is the reason for 7stam on gloves as opposed to SP or int or anything else as well as the reasoning behind: Green Lens > Spellpower Goggles Extreme (plus) and Inherited Mark of Tyranny > double BoA Int trinket.
Tips & Tricks:
****Stun Early and Often - In a dueling context specifically or 1v1 I like to stun early on as this immediately puts pressure on them to use a defensive CD. Most likely their Honorable Medallion. The reason i say this is because the CD of HoJ is just slightly faster than your enemy's Honorable Medallion. So in my eyes in a 1v1 situation the only time youll get use out of your stun is by the second time it comes off CD in the fight in which case the enemy will not have Honorable Medallion back up and you can get a full stun off. Some may say save HoJ for an interrupt mid-fight but since we are an hpal, if the enemy is healing themselves so can we with a flash of light followed by a Holy Shock or Bestow Faith. We have 2 uninterruptible heals. If the enemy is casting an attack the same still stands heal yourself through it.
****Do tha C-walk - Use Consecration when defending an FC or Base node to play the "floor is lava" game and walk around the Base node/FC. Consecration lasts a total of 12 seconds and can be cast every 5 sec so use this to your advantage while on D or in the back of a group healing party members as it can deter stealthies from opening up on you in the back of a group leaving you alone and vulnerable. Dance around the perimiter and through the area of Consecration while re-casting it, as this will cause stealthies to ocasionally get distanced from the objective/FC. Re-casting Consecration also gives an element of randomness to your "attacks" so stealthies may sometimes get hit with it unexpectedly and thus may not open up on you as strongly. Consecration is also great for blocking pathways from stealthies as well: Tun in wsg, roof entrance in wsg, etc. this can benefit your FC greatly. (sub tip - keep a WeakAuras timer on when consecration will run out after its casted)
****Taunting - What? Oh yeah. If you see a rogue by you and they just happen to slip away and you can feel a stun coming on, taunt a nearby enemy that is within range of your taunt and this will put you in combat with that enemy player and the rogue will not be able to sap you. Use it whenever you can to stay in combat as often as possible to not get hit with a sap.
****Weapon Swapping - I recently experimented with this and the only thing I have found that can be worth while is having (Ideally) two jagged stars of the aurora and enchant 1 with eleforce and 1 with Heartsong OR Costal Surge. Similar to how a 19 warrior can get the crusader buff to pop then switch to eleforce weapons, when the coast is clear for a fact and you feel secure not to be attacked I switch to my Heartsong/Costal Surge weapon and heal people because when Heartsong procs it bring my char to 20% vers (with no other buffs) and since vers impacts dmg taken, dmg dealt and healing dealt it adds some slight "armor" if you do end up taking a hit while also allowing your heals do more. Then once you feel the tide changing in the fight and you may need to go on the offensive switch back to eleforce and if you get the proc on heartsong and swap it will stay on you just like crusader with warriors so the eleforce will then hit harder too. Win win.
- Costal Surge is fantastic because it gives a chance to apply a HoT to the target. This is great for a few things... You can allow it to top people off as to not waste mana and over heal a target. It also helps when you need to heal the same target back to back with Flash of Light because it acts as a nice "cushion" to the targets health and provides (for lack of a better term) "Support Heals" in between your cast times. It can also be applied to multiple targets and if the procs go right you can get a HoT on quite a few people from possibly only using one healing spell (including instant casts). This enchant changes the playstyle slightly too because with Costal Surge you can randomly heal team mates in hopes to get a proc on them (think of this as similar to a priest pre-bubble) its very helpful to start a fight with it already on you/your team mates.
****LoH Jr. - sometimes when i see if a team mate is taking heavy dmg but they already have a healer or two on them I try my best to line up a Bestow Faith to go off right as im done casting a Flash of Light and then as soon as that Flash of Light is done Insta-cast Holy Shock and its essentially going to heal ANYONE to full if not 90%. this can be the difference between life and death if a heavy hitting ability is about to hit your team mate and your team mate is at low hp already (Aimed Shot, Chaosbolt sometimes, starsurge, rampage). This takes timing to line up and awareness of enemy resource pools as well as CDs on your other abilities (Holy Shock).
****Trailing off the previous point, Holy Shock is an incredibly useful spell at 19 so my tip for this is very simple have a timer easily visible to you that shows when its about to be off CD (WeakAuras) because who the time its off CD it may be of more use to you as a dmg spell or a heal.
****Flash of Light faking - as an Hpal we dont have many offensive abilities so when attacking someone in between offensive CD's start to cast Flash of Light to try and juke a kick into an instant heal because most likely by the time you've done this you'll have holy shock ready again or another ability will come off CD to use/reapply to yourself. I've noticed people typically kick me at about 2/3rds done with the cast so keep this in mind as well.
****Mind the stun - i know earlier i said to use it almost first thing, but when in a BG setting its a little different. Save it for when you know the enemy has already used their Honorable Medallion, as i believe HoJ is the longest lasting stun at 19 so if u can get a full one off one someone who is deserving (EFC,Enemy healer) - do it after you've seen them use it. Also continuing on the concept of stuns make sure if you use a stun bomb not to have consecration under them as this will negate the bombs stun.
Engineering - For the head piece, the stun bombs are nice every once in a while, a bit hard to aim though.
Alchemy - for Alchemist's Flask - gives 8 to main stat (int) (plus mixology perk for created drinks to last longer)
Cooking - Vers buff from making a fire, plus you can make food that gives 5stam and 5vers buff.
How does Hpal compare to other classes? What is the typical play from an hpal when facing X,Y,Z?
-Rogues: Use honorable medallion as soon as they cheapshot on their opener, HoJ them, Force their honorable medallion, immediately cast bestow faith and holy shock on yourself as you're most likely halfed already at this point, consecrate again in case its a NE with shadowmeld, attack and repeat.
-Hunter - stay put and avoid freezing trap, they will try to kite but you can out heal the dmg IF you stay still and heal, use Bestow faith wisely and use holy shock mostly as offense and use crusader strike to kill pet in consecration. you can kill them with Judgement and Holy Shock alone. Obviously try and get in melee range if/when you can but dont over extend out of consecration.
-Warrior - try to run with them so they cant charge and HoJ early in fight, bestow faith is important in this one because rampage can be a bitch to deal with if they catch you slippin. maintain heals and unless its a tauren you're safe to heal away as they have no interrupt aside from bombs.
Druid - tough one - constant dots plus starsurge burst potential
MW monk - tough one - melee version of druid with triple kick passive
Rsham - tough one - wind shear and flameshock dot is strong
Mage - Stun asap to force an early blink or honorable medallion use, cast bestow faith and holy shock on yourself and run towards them, since they dont have a slow you should be able to get a few crusader strikes on them as well as judgement and holy shock when you see fit. Relatively easy to beat. just remember to heal yourself as you may get parked when having missiles casted at you.
Lock - typically ends with them draining stationary until oom so you can wait for that and slowly whittle them away with crusader strike, judgement and consecration and hopefully a well timed HoJ can let you end it. Killing pet isn't quite worth it as it is a quick cast time to summon them back.
Priest - this is healer vs healer so just maintain dps on them and try to lure them closer to your teammates who can hopefully put a little more substantial dmg down in a shorter amount of time to make sure you seal the deal through the priests bubble
Abilities and their uses:
Judgement: This is by far the hardest hitting ability we have - use as execute on low hp targets when you have the opportunity
Crusader Strike: Melee ability use when possible
Consecration: use to deter stealthies, and create block points, decent dot dmg to fight on top of.
Holy Shock: Ranged damage ability OR a heal. Most important aspect about this ability is to make sure you are aware of its CD and when it will be up again.
Bestow Faith: Instant cast delayed heal, great for off healing a target or when you expect big dmg to come. Be aware of when the heal will go off to possibly time it with other abilities/items.
Hammer of Justice: 8 sec stun - use wisely due to CD
Hand Of Reckoning: Taunt move, used to avoid saps in battle
Divine Shield: Try to use at the last moment you can as you can cast bestow faith and holy shock in the shield essentially extending your hp by double. use wisely due to long CD. Can be used as a second/Third CC breaking ability.
Flash of Light: Main heal, only castable heal, easy to interrupt. practice juking.
Redemption: Rez spell (meh)
Shout out to @necroaqua for inspiring this research I've done. I constantly compared the info on the guides you've so kindly put out there for everyone and took it as an outline for me to use for this.
This is open for discussion as well - please let me know if I've overlooked anything or if you want to simply converse about what I've written!
(Final Note - this is a WiP, i will condense and elaborate where needed!)
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