72 enchancement niffle twink any good ?


In the shadows i lurk...
So i have bin doing archeology for quite some time now and recently got me a niffle axe and was thinking that i might aswell make a 70 twink and get another axe :) so yeh i am not interested in making a death knight at all since i think it'll be more fun to twink a shaman so i can grind some tier gear and stuff. Also i see alot more dk niffle twinks then shamans and we all want to be special dont we :) ?

So here's my question will i be able to do enough dmg to kill healers at 70 arenas as a enchancement ? havent seen too many shamans using that spec in this bracket..... havent seen much shamans overall except restos :p

Also if anyone know of a good enchancement shaman at 70 i would appreciate a armoury link to see what he have done to his gear :p unsure if i should go hard and gem ful agil or do alot of ressil and a small ammount of agility.

wont get upset if you correct any words misspelled down there since im not from an english speaking country you cant expect me to be flawless ; )
In a nutshell, yes. You'll be able to kill healers, or better yet, pair up with a healer who can control the healer while you destroy the partner with wolves, SR, And/or synapse/tazik.

Gemming fullly offensive stats. This doesn't tend to work so well for enhancement shaman, primarily due to the fact they are essentially warriors. You'll need to be able to soak a lot of damage, in battlegrounds, and arena. And you don't want to have to rely on SR every single time something starts wacking you. You'll probably want 20-35% resilience, depending on partners/preference.

As for gear, chardev 9. Best i could think of. Then again, that's 71, lacking 72 goggles, extra talents, etc.
I didn't make it, least, not entirely.

As i recall, Mongoose is 120 agility & 2% Attack speed increase for 15 seconds Versus 400 Attack power & An ever-so-slightly-reduced armor de-buff, also for 15 seconds.

Whereas the former lacks quite a bit of attack power, it gains a bit of Crit/Dodge on the proc. I'd probably opt for berserker, but i guess it could be a bit more.. Preferential.
Going 72 on an Enh Shaman isn't worth the decrease in stat scaling even with the Eng helmet on. You don't get any new talents or abilities.

This is the optimal set up for PvP: Totemez @ Twisting Nether - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

This is my set up for PvE (missing legs and trinket): Grublin @ Arthas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Check out this thread, but pay no attention to the huntard, as he has no idea what he's talking about: http://www.twinkinfo.com/70-79-bracket/34304-requesting-any-kind-nifflevar-enha-footage-3.html

This is a quick video of me dueling a holy paladin (I am very rusty with him, but you get the point with numbers. Theres about 1.5 minutes missing from the duel): 71 Ehancement Shaman Duel - YouTube

His armory: Sacredknight @ Arthas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
I got a DK twink atm but I dont know what to do with him :p dont like blood so was wondering if it is worth lvling and geting the axes? :)

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