70 Twink server?


Would anybody be interested in this? There would be no reason to patch down to 2.4.3 as we have made it able to work on 3.3.5

Would you guys want this? Pvp working, Arena and BG's aswell as raids?

If anybody want to help pm me or post below with suggestions



Edit: Website is up but still needs some editing, we will be working on the server alot, so like i said post some suggestions down below, We are also looking for players for the 10 man raiding team so PM me :)
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Most People Isnt twinking cause the loved TBC, 70 Twinking isnt in anyway like tbc at all waht so ever

And if People wanna play on a 70/80 pvt server There is Arena Tournament :)

Arena-Tournament | Where the Challenge Begins

Great server :)
This server is tinted slightly more to raiding, and will be focusing on that, Yet the pvp is sill gunna be a main feature.

I'd love this to happen, we need a lvl 70 server for sure.
Really nice to see people want this, And everybody will have the same tier Gear.

Any suggestions?
If it were 2.4.3 it would be a 100% different ball game than the cluster that is 70 now.

People would have to get off their engineering fixes, they'd have to go back to crappy BC gems, the burst that is so ridiculous now would go away.

Of course I'd LOVE to have improved stealth back. I'd love to have Seed of Corruption again on a 70, not that it's a make or break kind of thing, I just hated losing a spell. Oh and glaives would disappear very quickly with mace stun :).

Ah yes it would be great to have that again. Of course I can't imagine it ever happening in big enough numbers to be that much fun. Private servers are almost never highly populated and likely you'd have to do what 49's do, schedule BG nights.
I would definately love a wotlk themed 70 server. SHOUT OUT TO ALL DEM RANK 1 PROT WARRIORS YO!... oh, and balance druids of course :]
Like Eveli said, and i didnt up there. a TBC server isnt anythign like what were doing here.

Tho a LATE patch wotlk server would be awesome, i would go on there and show how to warrior in an instant
If anyone twinked the first month on wotlk, u know retri paladins was too good, not like middle/late retri good, 4times as Op. :)

Tho settign up a server like this would not be easy :>, GL nonetheless

I feel how i embaress myself, As u said "no reason to patch down to 2.4.3"

Haha so scratch what i said about that and just read the rest :)

My bad <3

Cheers for the input guys, I have deved and GM'd for servers before, and i can script, along with a friend, we will be adding awesome stuff!

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