60 Twink XP questions


Ok, so I am slowly getting XP doing Alterac with my mage. I've gone up about 20k XP over the last few weeks (maybe 50 games). XP seems kinda unavoidable unless you hang really far back. If you're near a tower or mine or patrolling guards and they get killed, bam you get XP. Granted I am 105k away from 61. I watched a twink druid ding 61 last night when an NPC was killed. He said he knew it would happen sometime because he started twinking too late.

There is a pretty sweet pre-BC guild, Heralds of Yore, on my new server Smolderthorn. If you don't have TBC installed, do you max at level 60? They are running MC and Anq, all the old raids I believe, which would be impossible if you got XP. And if you don't get XP if you don't have TBC, can I xfer my twinks to a new account with it and stay at 60? It'd be sweet to be able to kill everything in AV and not worry about dinging. Or maybe they got all geared pre-BC?

Oh by the way, my mage is getting 1400 arcane missle crits now. Got 3 in a row last night. Not bad with 5k health and 7500 mana self buffed.
Yes. If you don't have TBC and you only have vanilla, then you max at level 60 but you cannot make a dranei (sp?) or a blood elf.

Also if you have a level 60 character who is not a Blood elf or a draniei(sp?) then you cannot transfer to your new vanilla account. I hoep this helps out a bit.
If your level 60 is anything over 1 exp above 60, then you cannot transfer it to a vanilla account.

If you have BC or above already installed on your PC with a toon at level 60 on that account then you will be unable to transfer your lvl 60 toon to the vanilla account.

After WotLK came out I, like most everyone else, bought it and upgraded my account. Later I created a second account and tried to transfer one of my twinks to that account. It said that I would be unable to transfer until the 2nd account was upgraded to WotLK as well.

I hope this helps.
Blizzard FAQ said:
- Customers with expansion accounts cannot transfer characters to a non-expansion account. The reverse is accepted.

there's your answer =\
Hey thanks for the answers. Guess I'd have to start a vanilla account from scratch to stop XP at 60. Tempting but probably not going to happen.
You could always refer a friend another account and then run it through stuff lol.

I went from 1-60 in 34 hours /played with a hunter I'd like to take to 69.

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