60 Armory List (no 64 and no dks)

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In this bracket there are multiple gear sets that depend on playstyle and what you mainly do on your 60 twink but this should give a guideline to what you should be going for. Though keep in mind people do change specs aswell what I have started with now is just a foundation to make this truly succesful the 60 twink community needs to post armories.
Feel free to link any armories you think should be added in comments!

Cypreana @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Velvettouçh @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Rocketelf @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Vonilla @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Ferity @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Eitie @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Kithkaid @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Zwinkz @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Bentley @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Wainet @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Sourpatchkid @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Rewarded @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Romulusx @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Jerd @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Blàzer @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Playtoy @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Priestarmy @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Somerset @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Healmehup @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Cleona @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Siphonee @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Kikî @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Huachuca @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Thopery @ Khaz Modan - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Roprogue @ Terenas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Pewpwe @ Terenas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Thorisis @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Unbreak @ The Sha'tar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Herrtotem @ The Sha'tar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Blynov @ The Sha'tar - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Telmesa @ Terenas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Aprïlle @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Voidclaw @ Terenas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Caspus @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Kalmaku @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Twirlyboy @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Ragestarved @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Marmaladé @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Nesso @ Draka - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Sionma @ Terenas - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
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bank... does yata still play?
None of the rogues are Bis and/or are choosing right enchants, professions, gear etc, therefor, none of them are "good" rolemodels.

(I'm not including unobtainable factors or viewable offsets (or gem /nogem items') when browsing these twinks), (The factors I'm writing below after each name are factors which are invalid for Bis):
Bellastransza - Wrist ench, Feet ench, 2xRing Gems, 2nd Trink, Both Daggers, No Engineering
Poytok - (When not concidering BF gear, which is obviously for fun): Everything rest
Huachuca - (Also when not concidering BF): Head ench, Chest ench, Bracer ench, No Ranged ench (throw is own choice (cast speed / stats)), Leg ench, Feet ench, Rings, Trinks
Pumä - Leg ench, No Ranged ench
Slashzero - Neck, Feet ench, 1st Ring, 2nd Trink, No Ranged ench, No Engi
Crimsontouch - 2nd Ring, 2nd Trink, No Ranged ench, No Engi
Pewpwe - No Head or Shoulder ench, OH Wep, No Ranged ench, 1st Trink, Gloves, Leg ench, Feet ench, Both Rings
Roprogue - Neck, Bracers, Feet ench, 1st Trink, No Ranged ench
Thopery - Feet ench, 1st Ring, Ranged Ench, Both Wep enchs, Both Weps (wrong weps for those spots), 1st Prof

Awakenedmyth @ Frostwhisper - Game Guide - World of Warcraft - Bis all.
Edit: 1 BS Prof because of the GemSlot "Trick".
Not really....

Nearly everyone of them uses BIS enchants.Some Focus on pure DPS the others on more Survivelability.
It`s up to everyone him self.

Saying this is BIS and that isn`t bis is a bit crap,ur =)

I mean you can use Mongoose or +26 agility. Both are BIS enchants.It appears on your playtsyle which is more BIS.
Myself used Mongoose cuz I palyed with my targets about some time,not shooting them directly down with ambush specc.

Therefore Mongoose was better for me @this point. I changed to +26 agi to get my 50% critt + unbuffed.


I would understand if you`d say that this Rogue isn`t BIS because he got d1 parts,but I think thats not the case.
I mean im also not using bloodfang gloves only cuz of their disarm reduce ability.Nearly no one disarms in the bracket,so favour to take my standart gloves.
I always prefering taking agi-items before pure AP ones.

Agy > AP Therefore I took the +6 Stat enchant on my bracers also...the same as Bellastrasza.

I wouldn`t also enchant my 2nd weapon with blackmagic because it only scales with poisons and I only got Woundpoison as "dps"- poison.
Therefore it wouldn`t be that nice for a BAckstabber like me =) For assa it would be lot better.
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Sayune, have you even checked the rogues?
Having no enchant on a ranged weapon counts as not bis, no matter what. This also clearly includes Engineering, seeing it as the most overpowered profession as a twinker. Also you can't call it a "playstyle" when it's a clear choice.
To what you said; I never stated mongoose /26agi as a factor here.

I listed up some decent "fails", like no enchants on some items', Dog Whistle over another trinket, Bad choice of rings, wrong wep enchantment slots (like Thopery here), Ring of the Godslayer over Gem Ring (like Slashzero), 50ap 12crit leg ench instead of 40stam 12agi (when 50ap 12crit only gives arround 19ap and 0.1-2% critt over 400hp) (like Pumä).

Btw, Black Magic doesn't only proc from dmg-dealing spells. All poisons and even Cheap Shot can proc it (so it's an instant proc). Get your facts straight before posting, no offence.
Before you guys start arguing about BiS and non BiS please note that the original post said that this list of armory links was meant to be a guideline for different possibile gear sets for different play styles. Although some of those rogues enchants/professions/gear sets can be challenged and theory crafted, many of them are all considered BiS just depends on the situation.

I don`t checked them all,its just some bodys want to stay "Classic" and in their "Classic World" these items are BIS. Also Ingi is the MOST OP Twink - profession,
but if I`d play in a "vanilla" guild I would choose blacksmith or Leaterworking or Enchanting.Also 2 gathering Proffs aren`t that fail.

I know that you don`t said anything about mongoose and +26 agi,it was just an example for different choices you have.

Last time I wanted to put Blackmagic on OH it says it proccs from spells,but only effects spells also,therefore no haste buff for your melee attacks,therefore I don`t enchant it.
I mean my total dmg is huge effected by my melee dps,more than from my poisons.

We two are both PvP focused so we took BIS,but others maybe wanna have fun or going for HIT-Rating instead of pure DPS.With the range enchant you`re right
but myself doesn`t but any effort in looking for an enchanter =) I mean srsly i nearly don`t use it =D

And choosing the AP-Leg enchant isn`t that wrong as Ambush-Evis-Specc,I mean you need every AP you get to burst initial,so HP doesn`t matter.Generally HP is overrated,I mean when you survive a 1vs1 and you don`t got CoS you`ll die of these dots.

We got our Rentaki GF OP Trinket,but others don`t so they take some other trinkets.May it be the 900 Absorb shield from aq40 or Jom Gabbar.
I think thats their opinion,some want going more defensive the other want to get huge critts.

Yourself for example is using the tbc helmet and ignoring therefore the +15% evisc. buff,I wouldn`t go this way when I`d eviscerate much,so I`d guess you not eviscerating that much and therefore you`re using the head.


Before you guys start arguing about BiS and non BiS please note that the original post said that this list of armory links was meant to be a guideline for different possibile gear sets for different play styles. Although some of those rogues enchants/professions/gear sets can be challenged and theory crafted, many of them are all considered BiS just depends on the situation.

This, over and over again. BiS is a matter of opinion, gear/modifications should always be customized to your own abilities, playstyle, and even pure personal preference. Starting a general armory thread, then criticising people who aren't gearing their twinks according to everyone else's opinions is grossly confrontational and judgemental, not to mention fucking ignorant.

I always have, and always will use whatever i, myself, most prefer and most enjoy. I've never stuck strictly to any cookiecutter build, and never had any problems, neither in PvE nor in PvP.

Regarding this -- "Bellastransza - Wrist ench, Feet ench, 2xRing Gems, 2nd Trink, Both Daggers, No Engineering"

Wrist ench - I had +6 stats from when i had a different setup, still need to find a +50ap scroll to use on it.
Feet - also from the setup i mentioned previously, just haven't got around to putting boar's vitality on them.
Ring gems - the gems i'm using in my Hellfire rings are to my own preference. Your opinion is completely fucking useless to me here, but thanks all the same :)
2nd Trink - I'd been playing around with it in AVs, quite, quite obviously. Not my normal 2nd trink (which is usually Drake Fang Talisman).
Both daggers - Again, personal preference, which has always worked for me (with some application of brainpower)
No engineering - I don't want engineering on Bella. Simple as. It's advantages are of course there, but still. I don't want it on this character.

"therefor, none of them are "good" rolemodels" - I'd wager any amount of anything that i've helped out a lot more upcomers with good information/inspiration than most, especially someone who decides to show up and start criticising everyone for not using the same characters as every other twink who plays the same class as they do.
"..and you opinion of BiS is on a pve level.."
- I'm pretty sure I stated engineering as a strong profession, so I'm talking about pvp.

"I don`t checked them all,its just some bodys want to stay "Classic" and in their "Classic World" these items are BIS."
- How do you know they want to stay "classic" when you haven't even checked them out? And do you think I would state all this on these characters if they were classic bis or have a different playstyle? I stated atleast 1 factor on each character which should be changed regardless of playstyle.

"Last time I wanted to put Blackmagic on OH it says it proccs from spells,but only effects spells also,therefore no haste buff for your melee attacks,therefore I don`t enchant it.
I mean my total dmg is huge effected by my melee dps,more than from my poisons."
- It doesn't only proc from dmg-dealing spells, I've checked it out myself and had the ench as OH for a long long time. The haste generated affects melee speed and energy regeneration.
- I've actually calculated the +dmg you gain from Black Magic alone (10sec duration), and it boosts 1153-1614 dmg (with my gear and wep choice) dependent on the armor and resi of your target. Thats alot better than 26agi OH. Again, not to be offensive, but make sure your statements are 100% facts before posting.

"We two are both PvP focused so we took BIS,but others maybe wanna have fun or going for HIT-Rating instead of pure DPS"
- again, theres atleast 1 factor on each character I stated, which ain't about hit R or not. Your main opinion here is that people might use "fun" gear, or their 2nd viewable gearset for fun in BG's etc. That might be, but then they arent "the good" rolemodel and the new rogues which are looking for help might get this wrong.

"but myself doesn`t but any effort in looking for an enchanter =) I mean srsly i nearly don`t use it =D"
- if you don't bother looking for an enchanter or getting a ranged enchant, when you know it's bis, you aint fully 100% bis =P the new rogues watching the other rogues' gear might think there aint any ranged scope for lvl 60 (ye, there are some of those out there).

"And choosing the AP-Leg enchant isn`t that wrong as Ambush-Evis-Specc,I mean you need every AP you get to burst initial,so HP doesn`t matter.Generally HP is overrated,I mean when you survive a 1vs1 and you don`t got CoS you`ll die of these dots."
- no, it ain't that big of a "mistake", but 40stam 12agi is better for a normal balansing rogue. HP is overrated, true, and I myself doesn't care much about it, but when it's about 40stam and 19ap + 0.1% crit, it's a clear choice.
- btw I doubt any rogue will die in 1v1 vs a normal ally twinker with average pvp experience.

"We got our Rentaki GF OP Trinket,but others don`t so they take some other trinkets.May it be the 900 Absorb shield from aq40 or Jom Gabbar.
I think thats their opinion,some want going more defensive the other want to get huge critts."
- Renaki, Earthstriker, zg trink, ye they are pretty badass op, but using the Dog Whistle from Scarlet Monastery which does what, 10dmg /1,5sec? :p The trink might've been a quick swap for fun use, but then atleast use the Scholomance 3pet trink or "Gus' First Aid Kit" instead. True, I did state 900dmg absorb trink as a "flaw". HP is overrated, same as 900absorb which is similar to nothing. I would rather use 2 of these: Jom Gabbar, Drake Fang, Engi Rocket Trink, Engi Chicken Trink, Engi Invins Trink, Badge of the Swarmguard, Bladefist's Breadth (for non-classic gear users), Tidal Charm.

"Yourself for example is using the tbc helmet and ignoring therefore the +15% evisc. buff,I wouldn`t go this way when I`d eviscerate much,so I`d guess you not eviscerating that much and therefore you`re using the head."
- I do eviscerate in an average amount, but I use Scout's Hood with Extreme Rocket Boots, and after the boots have been used I switch to 5/5 DD. Tho 134ap and 1.38% critt gives arround the same dmg as +15% evisc dmg (in a combo, not only evisc ability).

BiS IS a matter of opinion, gear modification, playstyle etc, thats true, but as I said to Sayune, I state some clear choices.

"Ring gems - the gems i'm using in my Hellfire rings are to my own preference. Your opinion is completely fucking useless to me here, but thanks all the same"
- It's your own choice to put 10agi 10resi gems on your rings, but this is also a clear choice. 20 resi equals arround 2.5% dmg reduction? I'd rather have an extra 20agi then, seeing rogues in this bracket as 1-2 shotters. Even if we rogues had 30% resi reduction we would've been 2-3 shotted by other rogues. 2.5% extra dmg is better than 2.5% extra dmg reduction as a rogue in this bracket, to set an example.

"2nd Trink - I'd been playing around with it in AVs, quite, quite obviously. Not my normal 2nd trink (which is usually Drake Fang Talisman)."
- this on the other hand is obvious and a lil flaw of my judgement. But you never know, so I stated it.

"No engineering - I don't want engineering on Bella. Simple as. It's advantages are of course there, but still. I don't want it on this character."
- Engineering can be concidered as a personal choice, and of playstyle. But engineering as a twinker, and at lvl 60 is too sick to be overseen, which you also know yourself. Not choosing it, because you just don't want to is a misjudgement in my opinion.

"I'd wager any amount of anything that i've helped out a lot more upcomers with good information/inspiration than most, especially someone who decides to show up and start criticising everyone for not using the same characters as every other twink who plays the same class as they do."
- ye, you've helped them more than I could be arshed to, and had time for, but when you first do it, you need to be open for discussion.

To both/all of you: I understand that you want to defend these 60 rogues, and it's ok, but I didn't post all this to be offensive. I have nothing against these rogues at all. I just shared my opinion about the gear choices, and want the rogues which are stated to be as close to bis as possible.
"..and you opinion of BiS is on a pve level.."
- I'm pretty sure I stated engineering as a strong profession, so I'm talking about pvp.

"I don`t checked them all,its just some bodys want to stay "Classic" and in their "Classic World" these items are BIS."
- How do you know they want to stay "classic" when you haven't even checked them out? And do you think I would state all this on these characters if they were classic bis or have a different playstyle? I stated atleast 1 factor on each character which should be changed regardless of playstyle.

"Last time I wanted to put Blackmagic on OH it says it proccs from spells,but only effects spells also,therefore no haste buff for your melee attacks,therefore I don`t enchant it.
I mean my total dmg is huge effected by my melee dps,more than from my poisons."
- It doesn't only proc from dmg-dealing spells, I've checked it out myself and had the ench as OH for a long long time. The haste generated affects melee speed and energy regeneration.
- I've actually calculated the +dmg you gain from Black Magic alone (10sec duration), and it boosts 1153-1614 dmg (with my gear and wep choice) dependent on the armor and resi of your target. Thats alot better than 26agi OH. Again, not to be offensive, but make sure your statements are 100% facts before posting.

"We two are both PvP focused so we took BIS,but others maybe wanna have fun or going for HIT-Rating instead of pure DPS"
- again, theres atleast 1 factor on each character I stated, which ain't about hit R or not. Your main opinion here is that people might use "fun" gear, or their 2nd viewable gearset for fun in BG's etc. That might be, but then they arent "the good" rolemodel and the new rogues which are looking for help might get this wrong.

"but myself doesn`t but any effort in looking for an enchanter =) I mean srsly i nearly don`t use it =D"
- if you don't bother looking for an enchanter or getting a ranged enchant, when you know it's bis, you aint fully 100% bis =P the new rogues watching the other rogues' gear might think there aint any ranged scope for lvl 60 (ye, there are some of those out there).

"And choosing the AP-Leg enchant isn`t that wrong as Ambush-Evis-Specc,I mean you need every AP you get to burst initial,so HP doesn`t matter.Generally HP is overrated,I mean when you survive a 1vs1 and you don`t got CoS you`ll die of these dots."
- no, it ain't that big of a "mistake", but 40stam 12agi is better for a normal balansing rogue. HP is overrated, true, and I myself doesn't care much about it, but when it's about 40stam and 19ap + 0.1% crit, it's a clear choice.
- btw I doubt any rogue will die in 1v1 vs a normal ally twinker with average pvp experience.

"We got our Rentaki GF OP Trinket,but others don`t so they take some other trinkets.May it be the 900 Absorb shield from aq40 or Jom Gabbar.
I think thats their opinion,some want going more defensive the other want to get huge critts."
- Renaki, Earthstriker, zg trink, ye they are pretty badass op, but using the Dog Whistle from Scarlet Monastery which does what, 10dmg /1,5sec? :p The trink might've been a quick swap for fun use, but then atleast use the Scholomance 3pet trink or "Gus' First Aid Kit" instead. True, I did state 900dmg absorb trink as a "flaw". HP is overrated, same as 900absorb which is similar to nothing. I would rather use 2 of these: Jom Gabbar, Drake Fang, Engi Rocket Trink, Engi Chicken Trink, Engi Invins Trink, Badge of the Swarmguard, Bladefist's Breadth (for non-classic gear users), Tidal Charm.

"Yourself for example is using the tbc helmet and ignoring therefore the +15% evisc. buff,I wouldn`t go this way when I`d eviscerate much,so I`d guess you not eviscerating that much and therefore you`re using the head."
- I do eviscerate in an average amount, but I use Scout's Hood with Extreme Rocket Boots, and after the boots have been used I switch to 5/5 DD. Tho 134ap and 1.38% critt gives arround the same dmg as +15% evisc dmg (in a combo, not only evisc ability).

The thing is this kind of threat isn`t that new,therefore I don`t want to take a look @every noname rogues there =D And its always the same,the gap between I only want "Classic"-Gear and enchant it with wotlk and those who take everything they can on 60s. Therefore I know that some guys named above only using classic gear,therefore you can`t criticize them =D

Myself isn`t using t2,5 as well,cuz my chosen Gear is a way better.The Enchant on my boots is the only one which you can critisize,I now myself,that +150 HP and Minor Speed buff-enchant is better,but as I said I wanted to get my 50% critt unbuffed => Therefore I went for Agi *gg =D

And I didn`t critisize any enchant of you,they are all well choosen,nothing to can critisize about.
Blackmagic was when I thought to put it on one of my first 60s twinks during wotlk (when I can`t play my rogue) too bad,because it only worked with spells,also the haste buff worked only with spells,not melee attacks,

maybe it changed,than I could think of changing it,Haste is always better than anything else =D

With the rest statements you`re right.Myself is using also the +400 HP and +12 Agy Enchant.
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