500 Tips


Psychedelic Gladiator
I always felt like posting a small tips / trick, but whenever I came on the forum I thought "Damn, why would I make a thread just for this small goddamn tip?" and carried onto other stuff. So now, instead of carrying on with these tips getting lost in my mind, here I am, making this topic.

Maybe we only get 10 suggestions, maybe we get 100, who knows.
Tip 1 - Have gfd frag belt on an already tier 1 class/spec
Tip 2 - Use said belt every 60 seconds to bridge the gap between youre skill and being able to compete on a level playing field
Tip 3 - Emote
Tip 4 - Duel in durotor between queues
Tip 5. Field awareness is paramount in battlegrounds. Getting better at knowing your surroundings goes a long way.

Tip 6. Never backpeddle, learn how to backstrafe.

Tip 7. Learn how to not overlap cc's too much, and how to cc chain
Here is my nub tips :)
1. Hoard items on ur most imoportant twink characters.
2. You can easily glitch through walls and stuff with the lounge cushion toys.
3. A good way to make gold on the side is to get the darkmoon adventurers guide and loot bodies of the enemies you kill in bgs and sell the quest items once darkmoon is up.
13. Find the ‘scroll click’ guide on these forums and use it. The best wins and worst losses come from last second returns/flag pickups, and you will never win these battles without scrolling.

14. This is pretty well known but many people forget about void storage. Make sure you keep that sucker filled with extra BG crate loot/dungeon blues/other gear. You never know when a change to the meta will yield a new BiS item.

15. Be sure to try and take advantage of unique events whenever you can on the most toons you can. I’ve been around since 2007, but my twink missed out on legion gear because I was focused on my main at the time. A good example of this is the anniversary bosses that are up RIGHT NOW. I’m running them on my 70 twink, which I don’t really play, each day just in case I ever get back to playing it more often.

15. Goes without saying- check your old toons, guild banks, friends’ guild banks etc for old and Grandfathered gear. You could find some unique items that yield you a bunch of gold or a new mog/item. The important piece of this- If you find anything really nice/rare ping me first ;). There is a good chance I want to buy it (or I can tell you what it’s worth).

Quick list while at work. Looking forward to reading some of these later
just get good
Tip 5 - Saltwater potion doesnt show up in the combat log when used. Use this to your advantage
Tip 6 - Never admit to even knowing that the previously mentioned potion exists
1) Isolate the most prominent, opposing twink.
2) Open with drums, saltwater, fragbelt.
3) Flag his corpse.
4) If Undead, cannibalize corpse, if not, continue to step 5.
5) T-bag flagged corpse with a mousewheel modifier keybind (fastest t-bags in the west).
6) Backpedal away from the corpse spamming every possible toy you can.
7) Make a shadowplay replay GIF of the event.
8) Post said GIF on forums with name-calling, taunting and trash talking.
9) You have now asserted dominance.
10) You're now a real twink. You will now get recruited by a twink cup winning team, 100%.
11) Earn $$$$$$$$ winning the twink cup.
12) Acquire hoes with new E-fame.
13) Get a deadly STD from E-hoe.
14) Die from STD.
15) You're now immortalized as the best player ever.
Tip # whatever.
There are toys and on use objects that you can macro to a cast that will overuse cast animations. I use bubble wand and alch flask because those animations persist even when I juke a cast this makes it more likely to juke interupts. Even if it doesn't help you made a bunch of bubbles so that is still pretty great!

I secretly just want to see a bunch of arcane bubble mages.

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