49 Priest

I've scoured all four pages of posts in this forum and have not found a single post about Priests! For shame...

I have a 48 Priest right now and I am thinking of keeping her in the 49 bracket for a while, while I finish leveling my 74 Warrior. My brother told me he thought a Disc/Shadow build was the current trend for Priests, but I haven't been able to find anything about such a spec.

Basically, I'm trying to come up with a build that will help win games. Anyone have anything you would like to share?
Im currently leveling up a Discipline priest. Which I believe would be great healing, and can offer some great DPS

here is the spec I'm currently running with.


as far as glyphs go I'm using Glyph of power word shield, and Glyph of dispel, but Thinking of swapping that out with glyph of renew.. I would also like to hear some feedback from others
Major changes are coming to priest talents come 3.1.

the new talent trees are here:


I don't have a 49 priest but I have played one extensively in every pvp bracket up until 59 and from what I can tell the changes to Disc. are absolutely AMAZING.

Unbreakable will was 15 now 30%

Imp. PW:Stam now gives +4% stamina in addition to increasing the buff by 30%

Imp. Inner fire dropped a row and now also increases charges (as well as a new glyph is going to make this spell insane)

Meditation now 50% (I don't know how this will effect out of combat/in combat regen for priests but I think overall it will be a buff for disc priests)

Soul Warding - insanely awesome.

Reflective shield - dropped 2 places and 1 talent point, when I got this with my 59 priest it turned the tide on twink rogues.

Imp.flash heal, rapture, and renewed hope are all very nice talents and there's lots of hard decisions to make.

This is what I would go with as far as theorycrafting goes:


For glyphs I would pick inner fire (it will be like wearing plate). Then it's a toss up between PW:shield, Dispel and Renew. Prob go with PW:Shield. Levitate for the minor.
priests at 49 are a lot of fun, though frustrating at times (like all pvp).

currently i use a full disc build:


the extra dmg from reflective shield is very nice in 1v1 situations.

however i'm often thinking about dropping reflective shield and filling out the Enlightenment or perhaps Mental Agility talents.

when 3.1 comes around i'll probably switch to this build:


as far as glyphs go, i currently use the Power Word: Shield and Flash Heal glyphs. the Flash Heal glyph will become even better if it stacks with the 3.1 Imp. Flash Heal talent in disc.
Thanks for all the great information. I've leveled 100% as Shadow so the Disc tree is completely unfamiliar to me. It's hard to imagine SW:p, Mind Blast, Smite, etc doing much damage without Shadow talents. How is the damage output, or is a Disc Priest just a survivalist healbot?
Disc is a very powerful utility/support class, you can switch in an instant from spamming flash heal to dispelling a low hp druid's hots and bursting him down with holy fire/mind blast :) you are also a total pvp tank with shields, hots and holy fire giving you mail reduction to melee. Disc works best as the glue that holds a team together.

PS: Don't forget dispel, it is a hugely important spell and a lot of people forget it: we are one of the only classes with offensive AND defensive dispel capabilities, utilise that fully!
For 49, I suggest going Discipline. It's fun, but intense. You'll like to 40-49 bracket a lot I bet.

Good luck,

And post about how you end up liking it as well as what your gear and spec is.
brahmabull754 said:
Thanks for all the great information. I've leveled 100% as Shadow so the Disc tree is completely unfamiliar to me. It's hard to imagine SW:p, Mind Blast, Smite, etc doing much damage without Shadow talents. How is the damage output, or is a Disc Priest just a survivalist healbot?

As far as dealing damage with disc goes, if you have a decent amt of sp (300+) you can do enough damage to get yourself out of some sticky 1v1 situations. But overall disc is a support class. If you want to dps as a priest, a holy dps build with some disc mixed in is the best spec. For example http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=bVhbzbZbxthbbVb for max dps, or you can mix in different disc talents for survivability. When I spec holy/disc for dps i can hit 1750 holy fire crits with the occasional insta smite to follow.
Karazy said:
As far as dealing damage with disc goes, if you have a decent amt of sp (300+) you can do enough damage to get yourself out of some sticky 1v1 situations. But overall disc is a support class. If you want to dps as a priest, a holy dps build with some disc mixed in is the best spec. For example http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=bVhbzbZbxthbbVb for max dps, or you can mix in different disc talents for survivability. When I spec holy/disc for dps i can hit 1750 holy fire crits with the occasional insta smite to follow.

gl getting 300sp after 3.1. But I agree with Karazy completely.

Like Beast said, don't forget to dispel. I've always felt that Dispel and Mana Burn are the two abilities that really make a priest shine.
Atotem said:
For 49, I suggest going Discipline. It's fun, but intense. You'll like to 40-49 bracket a lot I bet.

Good luck,

And post about how you end up liking it as well as what your gear and spec is.

Well you are definitely right about it being intense! I've been getting owned by mages and hunters and have had little to no protection/dps around me. I've been trying to come up with a Disc/Shadow spec so I can hold my own when I have no help. I will post what I've been coming up with when I get home tonight.
Armory RandySavage. He's a top shelf Disc priest in the Rampage alli Juiced clan.

Edit: notice that his SP is pretty low. But his Int is JACKed.
With mages you can pretty much holy fire, dot dot, and dispel their shields while healing yourself until they die. Hunters... well lets hope you get a lucky fear or two.

Randysavage looks like he has a sick build for arena but trying to keep an FC up in a tough wsg with <200sp..<than 250 for that matter, with someone beating on you and the FC seems like your making things harder for yourself than it should be.
Karazy said:
With mages you can pretty much holy fire, dot dot, and dispel their shields while healing yourself until they die. Hunters... well lets hope you get a lucky fear or two.

Randysavage looks like he has a sick build for arena but trying to keep an FC up in a tough wsg with <200sp..<than 250 for that matter, with someone beating on you and the FC seems like your making things harder for yourself than it should be.

Yar. Randy doesn't heal the FC. We have 'healers' for that job. Randy is on the offensive and lays down some spot healing when needed. He dispels, fears and mana burns your healers to the ground while we clean up the mess. I do hear Randy is a beast in arenas but I wouldn't know. I did however lose a duel to him one time. Sigh. I am so pissed still...

Anyhow Randy has a great build to follow. Just switching around one/two pieces and an enchant or two and you have the best greared with the SP to heal an FC.
Must be nice to have 'healers'. Ally side 49 in WW does not seem to be so fortunate (they are out there but hard to find) hence my build favoring more sp than int.
I think I've settled on http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=bxcbhhrtbfsZb for now (only 48 atm). Practice is definitely helping immensely; I'm not used to playing a healer class, let alone a healer under constant fire :p

I'm not sure about what I'll do when 3.1.0 comes, or even if I'll still be in the bracket at that time, since my ultimate goal for this character is level 80. I think the experience gained from sticking in the 49 bracket for a little bit will be invaluable, though.
For play style your basically a ironclad tank with a BB gun for a weapon.

What I do is shield/renew my team then target the healers and mana burn. Then switch back to healing/shielding. Then finish off anyone with mind blast. I try not to use smite or holy fire unless I have a full shield up because you leave your holy tree open to get locked.

As far as 1v1's go I've killed many a rogue with nothing more than PW:shield reflect dmg, PW: Pain and wand. (In other words play defense, most classes will run out of juice and then you spend the next 5 mins trying to chase them down lol.)

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