39 twink mage or lock

What are the pros and cons of each of these classes?

What would be a decent mage armory build?

How about a warlock build?

Would a SoJ with a +40 spell dmg on it be the best weapon for each class?

How about talents?

For a mage, would fire or arcane be best?

For a warlock, would aff or desto be good?


I was headed toward making a mage. I have a level 80 mage that I pvp with and it's a blast.

Here's my frost mage [char=Nathrezim]Quandary[/char].
SL locks are not easy to kill. just FYI :p


locks are fun to play if you like micro-management. you have to control your pet's abilities, as well as keep dots on people while keeping some people CC'd and keeping your hp/mana up while doing all of this.

mages are more fun to play if you like to have a versatile caster. if you're fire, you have plenty of spells to choose from, and you have to use each at the right time. the main abilities of a fire mage are scorch, arcane missles, frost nova, blast wave, fireblast, blink, and polymorph. there's plenty more, though.

certainly a skilled mage is a pain in the ass, but a decent or bad mage isn't anything to worry about. warlocks don't have as much of a difference between skilled and bad ones, but the skilled ones can still be a pain in the ass.
i had a lot more fun with my mage than with my lock.

besides the huge amount of fun gained, mages can FC. to switch into another role adds a lot of fun after some weeks.


SoJ with soulfrost is best for a lock

SoJ with sunfire for an all out dmg firemage. (40SP if you like to change speccs a lot or make heavy use of CC/frost even if you are fire specced)

arcane to FC, frost to CC/dps, fire is for pure dmg. all viable and funny speccs.

affliction > soul link > destro (imo...it is all about playstyle, but destro is not viable)
Ty all for your help. I'll just keep my SoJ with 40 spell power on it. I bought a +38 arcance staff that ahd +sunfire on it yesterday for 50g so I hope that will come in handy in the future.
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