39 Enhance Shaman

hit to gloves

monkey shoulder

4stats to bracers

ogrons sash

basilisk legs / triprunners to save money

goldminers helmet (25hit + 17expertise > 28hit imo)

aquamarine signet of falcon, not tiger

that's what i would change...

flurry procs from crits, so stacking agi in some slots is superior to int/pure AP
Bansil said:
hit to gloves

monkey shoulder

4stats to bracers

ogrons sash

basilisk legs / triprunners to save money

goldminers helmet (25hit + 17expertise > 28hit imo)

aquamarine signet of falcon, not tiger

that's what i would change...

flurry procs from crits, so stacking agi in some slots is superior to int/pure AP

If i can find monkey shoulders or get them to drop, then alright.

I like the +ap because I already have them enchanted to the wrists.

I checked and the Ab belt gives me better stats imo, AB( +16 AP but -.21% crit) > Ogron's (-16 ap but +.21% crit).

i get more AP but lose 1% crit with my current build on the legs

my current hat is free (main is a LW), instead of paying a couple 100 gold.

I have both rings.

I also found a Green Lens of the Wolf (haha) and Monkey on my old bank alt so i'll be using those as well.
Bansil said:

http://www.wowhead.com/?item=20152 5stam/24AP vs http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13117 9stam/18AP/crit


http://www.wowhead.com/?item=7760 11AP/mana vs http://www.wowhead.com/?item=1718 21AP/8stam/crit


goldminers is free too. it is farmable.

Belt- you're not gonna change my mind, sorry.

Leg- I have the warcheif kilt and I am not willing to spend 200+ gold on 40 more hp and a few crit

Hat- I don't want to. And it is not free as I am wasting my time farming for something tha tI see worthless to me.
place an alt there and log in once in a while...someday you will have your goldminers.

and if you dont want to spend huge amounts of gold, you can wait for a cheap one or use triprunners.

http://www.wowhead.com/?item=9624 21AP/6stam vs 11AP/mana

do they change the kilt with 3.1??? it is useless atm...


do you really want to lvl up JC and keep it?
Well I'll keep a look out for some cheap basillisk pants and the hat but until I'll keep what I have picked out. I might as well also grab a pair of the quest triprunners pants too.

As for JC I will be having a elemental set as well so I will need to have engineering and Jc. or I'll drop JC and get alchemy and grab the alchemy trinket (+5 all stats), whatever its called.
engi is a huge fun in 39^^ takeit, use it!

JC, alchemy and herb are all viable. choice of playstyle.
I also made some similar mistakes to your train of though in the early days - don't think AP, think crit. Honestly the burst from crit is superior. I've gone through enough maths to verify this claim, PvP is all about burst, and that's where crit > ap.

You should be taking expert goldminers hat, without question. It's 5.5% reduced avoidance from the front, which, unless rogue, means you will be seeing dodge/parry happening, on average, half as often. Do it.

With the spirit nerf outside of the mp5 rule coming in, i might even consider a 12/12 of the monkey hat also. Medallion over medal of courage - really max out that crit percent. 9.22% is far, far too low. Take Revolosh Spaulders of Monkey any day, for the dps and the crit - don't worry about mana, you're going to be dead before running out. Robe is a great choice. Personally i'm more comfortable with the HP argument after the nerf, so i would stack as much stamina as possible, so take 150hp on chest. A ret paladin is going to take you out in 1 burst with that much HP.

As a shaman your burst is pretty high anyhow, and with some high crit, it's going to be impressive, i'd stack more stamina, take 120HP on the bracers. 24AP is honestly, a negligable amount. Think survival = more damage in sustained fights. 35AGI on wep is far, far superior to 70AP, it's 35AP, a nice boost to avoidance, and 3% crit. Basilisk Hide pants over the warchief kilt. 21Agi, and 8Stamina are the stats you need - also replenish some of your lost AP.

Ogron's sash is superior. You don't take 6AP over an extra 5 stamina, and 0.6% crit. +15 Hit rating to gloves + the 18hit from the head piece in the 3.1 revision, and you have your hit cap - the hit cap is not negotiable, it's essential. Don't look at it as "oh, i've only got a 3.5% chance to miss", look at it that over a sequence of 10 moves, you have a 35% (from successive probabilities) to FAIL.

If you spec your gear just right you can have something like 18% crit chance, and 2200hp with 400ap, more avoidance, and hit cap, which is just so superior, in PvP terms at least, to what you have now
expert goldminers + 15 hit gloves + surefooted is the way to go...without any doubt.

35agi to weapon is your best bet. haven't looked for the weapon enchant, sry.
If you make a enh shaman budget twink prepare to get owned hard. I would advise only makin an enhance sham if you got the gold to spend. If not spec ele or resto.

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