2h enchant for shaman

im planning on making a lvl 39 enhancement shammy,

i've bought a SoJ since i cant afford a PoD ^^

I currently have Savagery on it, but some told me that mongoose would be better because of the speed.

Can anyone tell me what would be the best?
Samsom said:
can u maybe explain why?

Savagery is a static AP boost while mongoose is a random proc, therefore if you want consistency go with the savagery because you will be hitting harder ALL the time as opposed to some of the time with mongoose.

If you want a weapon with mongoose get the ZF Mallet and put it on that, that way you can do a lot more damage with your one hander because the second best chant for weapon would be +20 agil
k thanks, im not going for mongoose for sure now.

Lepidosteus said:
Savagery gives 70 ap

35 agi gives 35 ap and a bit over 2% crit.

I'd go with 35 agi.

Now u make it even harder to decide what enchant hehe,

do i gain more benefit from 2% crit or 35 ap =P?
Samsom said:
k thanks, im not going for mongoose for sure now.

Now u make it even harder to decide what enchant hehe,

do i gain more benefit from 2% crit or 35 ap =P?

Flurry, ladies and gentlemen.

Now continue that train of thought ^^
if i wanna proc flurry agi is definitely the best, ok.

but isnt it good to stack ap and get nice windfury procs instead of lacking ap and get more crit and get flurry?

If i get the flurry buff, does it removes after 3 hits or seconds like mongoose and crusader buff?

I've always liked the big hits and crits :p

Im going to stack agility for sure (for the flurry :p) if i wont lack much ap when i stack agi.
Just get both, agility and saveragy weapons and switch them out every now and then.

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