29 destruction warlock BiS gear & Stats question


Hello my fellow twinks. I've just leveled a human destruction warlock to 29 and am now safely xp-locked.

I haven't played in years and could use some advice.

What's the BiS gear for a 29 destro warlock looking to do BGs only? Are there any names known to the community that I could check out on the armory?

The following is even more confusing to me: what's the right balance between int/mastery/crit given that int increases spell damage, mastery also increases spell dammage, but the fact that the crit dammage of spells such as Chaos Bolt and Shadowburn...

Give me all you have! Thank you in advance!
My understanding is the bis gear is likely the dungeon drops from outland dungeons whilst it's lower ilevel it comes with a ton of gem slots to buff up your main stat. Weapon probably still the wf wod gear but may be wrong with that haven't made or geared a toon for a while after the great purge of dragon flight prepatch and beyond

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