Contributing how? I understand what you're failing at saying, but the answer is: No. Just because you can fish "x" derbies or whatever in a single day doesn't mean that it is a 100% (or more, as x scales) chance that you will get the hat. I know for a fact that I put in about 15 whole derbies before I got mine, and guess what..... each derby I casted my fishing pole with a .25% chance (rumored) that I got keefer. Everything you say makes sense in terms of statistics, but when applied to real (wow) world applications it's no more than false information, making it wrong... why? Because RnG cannot be predicted nor influenced. The rumored .25% is just someones guess on the drop rate... the 250% chance of fishing one up in a single day is based on false inconsistencies which do not follow the rules that RnG cannot be predicted nor influenced by any way.
That's that, GG, Winning, you're wrong (etc.)
Stick to what Bragh said, since he is the only correct one here, and if you argue what he said, you're arguing that RnG can change and be influenced (which it can't).