24's....anything done?

Are their any rules against them like the 10-14 bracket had(has) about resil stackers? I'm getting tired of sitting in a game getting gy camped by 3 24's with lolheirlooms who think their cool.

You, the educated TI troll may ask me: Why funnyman, good sir, UMADBRAH?

And I will tell you...

Yes, I'm pissed off. These idiots are ruining yet another bracket because they see a good thing going and decide to ruin it. Is anything being done?
funnyman said:
Are their any rules against them like the 10-14 bracket had(has) about resil stackers? I'm getting tired of sitting in a game getting gy camped by 3 24's with lolheirlooms who think their cool.

You, the educated TI troll may ask me: Why funnyman, good sir, UMADBRAH?

And I will tell you...

Yes, I'm pissed off. These idiots are ruining yet another bracket because they see a good thing going and decide to ruin it. Is anything being done?

I feel your pain, but you are using gear and chants that we cant get ahold of, while i still respect you for staying 20, its not a part of the solution, come to Aerie Peak, if you are p2p we can gear you up super quickly with chants and maybe a BoE
ya the worst part is they come to this forums and troll us.... how immature is that
All you can really do is focus fire them down and take pride in those you do happen to kill.
Only way to really do much is let them camp mid while your team runs flags. AP plays objectively so unless its really really 1 sided (4-5 24s made up of priests hunters retadins and a rogue for returning) we win. All comes down to luck of the draw. 1 24 is cannon fodder, a premade from Spirestone is a lot of death.
I have been invited by a few players from other brackets to make a 24 and come camp this bracket. I have decided not to simply because it isn't an appealing invitation. I understand that you guys want to play in your f2p world against other f2p players, and that is great. I just refuse to become another one of those 'lul24s' who's sole purpose is to grief your bracket. While I disagree with the whole 'twinking without paying for your account' deal, I also understand that it isn't my place to make a big deal about it in a negative fashion. Blizzard will do what they want and all I can do is make a decision to continue playing the game or not.

Good luck.
I don't see how making "a rule" would do anything to stop it. While we may enjoy using the bracket for trial account twinking that doesn't mean that was its intended function, and trying to make rules about something we couldn't possibly control wouldn't do a lick of good : /
There is no way rules will affect players unless it is something that blizzard has put into the game that stops them from doing it.
On EU servers most of the 24s just facerolling in the middle and don't play together. So when I got another healer with me we still win, even if they got 2 or 4 24s.

But if u will gonna loose and they camp u just /afk and play something different, FIFA12 f.e.

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