The Best Queue times will be when the Brilliant Blizz Codewriters and Programmers and the Devs and GMs and designers and ANYONE that has anything to do with the pvp queue priority and grouping system that dropped a nuke in WoD Launch and then again in Legion with their awesome 10,000 things that they have yet fixed, ALL SIMULTANEOUSLY DROP DEAD OF A HEART ATTACK and they hire some peeps from xpoff and old school raiders to fill their positions at Blizzard. In my honest humble opinion, that is when the Queues will be good,,,,, Unless they actually roll back to MoP. HA ... GFLWT Brul <3 stand in line with the rest of us and take it like we do cause we love pvp more than we hate the changes
rawr, you may not like what I say and I may not be right but I say it the way I see it, Straight Shooter Somfas... out!