19 Balance Druid

Thinking about making a 19 balance druid or some class thats very good but is not one of the ridiculously op classes such as rogues or hunters. Please link chardev's and gearlists if possible, thank you.
Before i post this i just wanna say its my OPINION

Since last time i said something like this some dood was all like "OmFgZ DoNt GiVeS HiM TeH BaD AdViCeZ!!!" but yh

From my experiance, Until your fairly geared as a balance druid (Agm +LFH) you can be somewhat of an "easy kill" to a ambushroll' simply because your standing there casting away then BOOM one shotted

Unless ofc your in a premade and can have some nice heals following u :)

also get one set of gloves with +16sp and one with +10 haste :)

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