10s "audit" thread


just trying this out , let's see if it works https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/bloodscalp/fearless ...have never linked anything here before. So, this is my mage for pve only. Just give me some feedback on what looks like it could be improved on. I know it's not perfect, but what twink ever is, but I know some things can be improved...like I know I should get the ring from Freehold with a socket and I am missing a shoulder enchant. thanks in advance for any advice and feel free to post links to your own level 10s you would like some positive feedback on.
I'm glad you decided to make this!

I'll give it a go.

HELM: is good. A gfed green lens may ne preferred if you can get your hands on one for the extra stam and secondaries.
NECK: BiS would be a socket / speed Legion epic, a more realistic piece would be an i13 green BoE Legion necklace with socket / speed (even more realistically just a socket is fine.)
SHOULDERS: Shoulders are fine. Consider trying for an epic Terrorcloth Mantle if you haven't yet, if it procs epic, you might prefer to use it with the Manaspark Gloves (set bonuses provide more offensive stats.)
CLOAK: BiS would be Legion epic with socket / speed. You could get an i13 green BoE from Legion here with socket / speed or farm one of the BFA dungeons for a socket speed cloak. Since you're building crit, there is a crit/mastery cloak off the first boss in Freehold that you might prefer over the haste / mastery cloak from Atal'Dazar. Your current cloak is fine, wouldn't sweat this one too much just yet.
CHEST: is good.
BRACERS: are good but would be better with a socket / speed proc. There is a pair of vers / mastery bracers out of Freehold if you would prefer those secondaries over the fireflash ones you currently have.
MAIN HAND: Staff of Jordan is good, BiS if you don't have SoO looms. I'm not sure I agree with the enchant though. Have you tried playing around with Elemental Force at all? Shit is broken at our level. I have a hard time seeing how +4 intellect would be better.
GLOVES: are fine so long as you're using the Mana-Etched Shoulders. Consider Manaspark Gloves if you ever swap the shoulders out.
BELT: is good.
LEGS: are good.
FEET: are good, would be better with a socket / speed proc.
RING 1: A socket / speed (or just socket) Legion epic would be BiS in both slots. The Atal'Dazar ring is good. It would be better with speed and a socket.
RING 2: Again, socket / speed (or just socket) Legion epic would be BiS here. However, a more realistic alternative would be an i13 green BoE from Legion with socket / speed (or just socket) and secondaries of your choosing. There is also a fireflash ring from Freehold.
TRINKET 1: Dream trinket, I am very jealous...
TRINKET 2: this can really be whatever you want. Consider a Pit Fighter if you feel too squishy in dungeons or a Hunger of the Pack if you want to do faster clears.

General suggestions:
  • Since you're stacking crit, I would recommend getting the 3 stam 4 crit gem from Honor Hold. The extra stam is nice since our hp pools are so low at this level (especially as a mage) and provides twice the crit as your other gems.
  • If you don't have a Hunger of the Pack yet, get one. It's mandatory if you want to do anything fast.
  • Consider leveling Vanilla alchemy to 300 for the Alchemist's Flask if you haven't yet and want to go above and beyond, it's a permanent +3 intellect. Alternatively, you can get inscription for a 1/1 enchant to your shoulders, this is usually the cheaper option.
  • Make sure for ring enchants you are using Binding of X. The binding enchants are the only ring enchants that actually give +1 at level 10.
  • If you haven't yet, go out and get the Precious Bloodthorn Loop. Being able to skip trash every once in a while during solo runs saves a lot of time in the long run. This would be especially helpful if you ever plan to farm out Freehold by yourself.
I know what my toon needs, but here he is anyways if anybody wants to have a go: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/kelthuzad/hvnter
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thank you for your amazing critic ...I have been trying to farm different gear with the socket/speed proc but they seem to never drop, so I have pretty much given up on that.....I rarely try to solo dungeons because that is just not fun for me...I have a best friend with a 10 Hpriest twink that usually runs with me and we group up to run levelers through different dungeons also. That is what we consider fun....I did try the EF enchant for a few months, and I still have it on other twinks, but as soon as I put it on my mages weapon I could tell a difference right away, so I decided to stick with it...always trying out new things to see what works better for me and my style of play. I do not have enough knowledge of the game or twinks to throw out an honest opinion on your priest but it does look very nice.
[doublepost=1637174792,1637174606][/doublepost]this is my partner in crime https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/stonemaul/voxy ...definitely a work in progress but she is getting there...makes running dungeons with my mage a lot faster too :)
thank you for your amazing critic ...I have been trying to farm different gear with the socket/speed proc but they seem to never drop, so I have pretty much given up on that.....I rarely try to solo dungeons because that is just not fun for me...I have a best friend with a 10 Hpriest twink that usually runs with me and we group up to run levelers through different dungeons also. That is what we consider fun....I did try the EF enchant for a few months, and I still have it on other twinks, but as soon as I put it on my mages weapon I could tell a difference right away, so I decided to stick with it...always trying out new things to see what works better for me and my style of play. I do not have enough knowledge of the game or twinks to throw out an honest opinion on your priest but it does look very nice.
[doublepost=1637174792,1637174606][/doublepost]this is my partner in crime https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/stonemaul/voxy ...definitely a work in progress but she is getting there...makes running dungeons with my mage a lot faster too :)
Yeah, whenever I'm giving out gear advice I try to emphasize the fact that speed socket everywhere is not entirely realistic and most people aren't that dedicated, so while I do prefer to speak in absolutes (i.e. yeah bro just get socket speed epic Legion rings bro :Kappa:), I provide more realistic alternatives where I can.

Priest mage is a super good combo, dungeons with @Andre are always a good time.

I know you didn't ask for it, but I'll go ahead and dissect this priest as well for the sake of continuing this thread:

HELM: Big fan of Green Lens on the priest if you can manage one. The extra secondaries (ideally haste vers) and stam help a ton in solo play. If you're going to go with the more glass approach, I would just go all the way and get the +13 in goggles.
NECK: Dope neck, the only thing better would be socket speed.
SHOULDERS: are fine as long as you're using the 2 piece set bonus.
CLOAK: The fireflash Legion epic with socket/speed would be BiS here. More realistically, an aurora cloak like my priest has. Mastery is borderline useless for priest at this level and it would be more worth your time to put into haste or vers. I use as little mastery as possible.
CHEST: good.
BRACERS: good. Something with haste/vers (and even moreso socket/speed) would be better, but since these give 2 haste I wouldn't worry about it too much.
MAINHAND: Same thing I said about your toon: ele force. It's ESPECIALLY good on priest since all your output is tab dotting. However, since as you said this is a toon that pocket heals you, the +4 int is justified as I imagine they aren't doing as much damage as I would be doing. The Staff of Jordan is BiS though as long as she doesn't have SoO looms.
GLOVES: good as long as you're using the shoulders.
BELT: missing frag belt tinker.
LEGS: missing Panda LW enchant.
FEET: 2/2 aurora Legion boots would be better here (or similar stat rolls, 1/3 etc.) socket speed obviously if you can manage it.
RING 1: Bloodthorn Loop is good for solo play, but I would get something else if all she does it pocket heal you. Ideally the haste or the vers Legion epic ring (socket/speed,) but more realistically, an i13 green with socket (and speed.) Also missing an enchant.
RING 2: the other Legion epic here. In reality though Atal ring is fine, it could have speed though.
TRINKETS: Since there are so many situational options here I'll say the same thing I said to you: Pit Fighter, Hunger of the Pack, a 2int4vers socket trinket, MoP i18s, etc. Play around and find what you like, it's impossible to pick 2 best trinkets here.
I seem to be the only one that needs help with my 10s..lol...but I definitely appreciate all the advice. Here is my sham https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/stonemaul/weanus ...he doesn't have too many enchants yet, so comments there will be appreciated as always, and if there are better weapons I could find, please let me know ...thanks in advance :) ..oh yah, he is pve only...all my toons are

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