wow classic

  1. Insane pvp crits ! Zforgul Warrior 69 Classic WOTLK

    Insane pvp crits ! Zforgul Warrior 69 Classic WOTLK

    Insane twink crits in lvl 69 bgs during Wotlk Classic. #wow #videogames #twink #pvp #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #oneshot #warriors
  2. Recluse

    When the troll toll needs a few levels...

    Wait for it! LOL.
  3. Recluse

    When the guy you're ganking dings... LOL

  4. Recluse

    The Making of a Thunderfury

    Just happened tonight too! A group of guildees decided to run into MC and kill Garr for another guildmate, Meduza. AND IT DROPPED!
  5. Can't reach my numbers

    Can't reach my numbers

    2838 hp | 69.69% dodge | 564 AP | 5% hit chance | WoW Classic | Lvl 19 | in action in a BG
  6. Donor

    vote wow classic realm US

    3 seperate threads and non of u nerds made a poll we all supposed 2 actually read ur arguements fuck that noise vote here in stead