
  1. zazzyfraz

    (US) Zazzy's Unobtainable/GF Sell Thread

    Hello I am Zazzyfraz. xD. I collect things. Sometimes I sell things. You can assume every item listed is Unobtainable AND UNIQUE APPEARANCE unless stated otherwise. All items are assumed to be Unscaled/Original unless noted as well. Patterns listed will be only learnable via GF'd BoE plans and...
  2. US WTS/WTT Rare items

    Most of these items are on Kael'thas. Majority of the others are on Ravencrest and Windrunner. If you have an offer or any questions message me. Scimitar of Atun Metalworking Gloves Walking Boots Goblin Mail Leggings Tribal Worg Helm Cutthroat Pauldrons Black Husk Shield Blackened Defias...
  3. Holythane

    EU WTT GFED Items for Fiery Blaze Enchant,1-19 Transmogs,TCG Items

    UPDATE 2018: MAY ACCEPT GOLD FOR SOME ITEMS IF THE OFFER IS GOOD, NO LOWBALLS. Selling a number of rare and unobtainable (Gfed) items on multiple realms I only trade for TCG items, other items that I need, or gold. Every TCG item I have on my account is from trading unobtainable or rare items...