protection warrior

  1. Twink protection warrior - lvl 79 wotlk classic

    Hello! Could someone link a guide for lvl 79 prot warrior? Thanks!
  2. jackblood

    EU+US Rate my PvE Twink :D

    IgnoreBrain ~ Level 20 Protection Warrior Strictly for PvE dungeon carries. Missing one piece (Returning Champion), but I think this is about as BiS as I can get without farming epics. 3004 HP & 23% Versatility when fully buffed. 0% Haste because Into The Fray gives me 15% Haste at all...
  3. EU Ravencrest Alliance | ilvl 31 Wicked Blackjack | Paladin/Warrior

  4. icehawk

    EU+US Never noticed this before - Revenge!

    I don't seem to recall this happening before, maybe I just never noticed it but even at lvl 20 a Prot Warrior now seems to sometimes proc I noticed it for the first time only after 7.2 dropped. I even tried to make a macro to see if I could use...