
  1. Getting other armor type than intended

    Hello! I'm currently looking into gearing my druid and find both leather gloves and waist to be underwhelming, so my question is how do I obtain cloth armor? Is it possible to get when you're not subbed and can't trade or is the only way to have a cloth user trade the item? Is it possible to...
  2. DetErMegJostein

    EU+US Ghoul Fingers

    Anyone tried getting these after the lvl scaling and rare/epic upgrades became a thing? http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/item/1314 says it has a chance to be rare and epic
  3. Gmac

    LF a few items on BH

    LF a Feathermoon Headress, Mistmantle Orb or Venomshroud Orb and a Maiden's Circle. Hmu.

    Just made this account to ask if a lvl 58 ilvl 58 Feathermoon Headdress is good. Stats are 16 int/23 stam/ 20 SPELL POWER, is this spell power actually real or a problem in the tooltip of the armor.