laughing skull

  1. Tuskbreaker

    EU WTS Fang gloves lvl 19 and Defias gloves lvl 16

    As the title states i have 1x of both, ''nice'' gloves for open world i guess. I have no clue what the pricing on these is supposed to be so throw me a price Items are located on Shattered Halls / Balnazzar / Ahn'Qiraj / Trollbane / Talnivarr / Chromaggus / Boulderfist / Daggerspine / Laughing...
  2. DeLindsay

    Visage of the Laughing Skull

    If you want to get any of the 4 Masks for Transmog on your lower Level Twinks, send ALL Merry Supplies to that Character and have them purchase the Savage Gift from Izzy Hollyfizzle in your Garrison. You have about a 25% chance of getting 1000 Apexis Crystals from each Savage Gift so it...