classic twink bg

  1. <True Twinkz> Horde Sulfuras WoW Classic 19,29,39,49,59 twink guild

    <True Twinkz> Horde Sulfuras wow classic True Twinkz is a very active and fun guild that has been around for over a year now, TT is re-emerging as one of the most active twink guilds all of classic wow. We are a R rated adult guild who enjoys smoking some weed, drinking some beers, talking...
  2. LeetMeep

    Question for all 19 twinks - Is it okay for premades to "prolong games" to practice jumps?

    Do you find it to be a problem when a full premade prolongs a game just to learn jumps? I personally say No as I am someone who believes that almost all the jumps are a great addition to our way of playing this game. Here's the thing... In a game where both sides are premades, more often than...
  3. It is time...

    SO..... BG maintenance is finally here, what do we think will be on the other side? Disaster? or delight? I'm very curious to see just how many "normal" levelers will bother even trying to PvP in classic, and how that inevitability will affect the health of the brackets, and which brackets...