
  1. Anexa

    Thank you 19s ❤️ <3

    I just want to thank you for all the fun I had in 2020. I made Anexa in phase 3, directly after hearing about Warsong Gulch being available in Classic. Then played throughout the entire phase 4, where I got the on the very first fishing...
  2. Can't reach my numbers

    Can't reach my numbers

    2838 hp | 69.69% dodge | 564 AP | 5% hit chance | WoW Classic | Lvl 19 | in action in a BG
  3. Outnumbered as usual

    Outnumbered as usual

    World buffed rogues with a private healer. How many bombs were used? How many trinkets were used?
  4. The queen is back!

    The queen is back!

    2566 hp | 554 attack power | 39.19% crit chance | 67.38% dodge (not equipping the additional AGM) |5% hit rate | 1262 armor