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  1. Resto Shaman

    Can someone with experience as a resto shaman in this bracket give me some advice? I just took my new 20 shaman out for a test drive and it was utterly painful to play.
  2. the attitude of a 24

    barthilas is clearly full of shit. I'm not condoning the actions of the trolls but there's no difference between what he's doing and what the 24 trolls are doing. If you have a bone to pick with the trolls, do it in PMs, BGchat or their own stupid threads. Don't create posts that antagonise...
  3. the attitude of a 24

    The f2p 20s create enough drama for themselves on Aerie Peak. BGs are fine, I don't give people shit about being on f2p, they don't accuse me of crutching on 4 extra levels. The only reason why there is bad blood between 20s and 24s here on this forum is because of people like Mr. f2pkiller...
  4. the attitude of a 24

    Please refrain from grouping all 24s together. Idiots will be idiots regardless of whichever bracket they choose to participate in. Having said that, there are some things about f2p players that really grate on my nerves. The entitlement issues, the hypocrisy and bullshit like this...