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  1. After holiday summary :P

    I just made snickerdoodles last night! Never had them before (weird I know, but I grew up in a house of chocolate). My cookbook says they originated in the 1800s in New England.
  2. I don't understand F2P twinking..

    I can understand your wondering why people f2p twink. I know I've wondered myself why other people twink 24 or mb twink. I've come to the conclusion that it's because that's what the person enjoys. I don't subscribe to for WoW any more because it was too time consuming, as someone else has...
  3. What grinds your gears?

    Poly, nothing like sitting there watching your teammates die and being the last left alone. Hoj, nothing like having to use your trinket just so you don't die in that forever 6 seconds.
  4. Resto Shammy vs Holy Pally

    Either would do well pocket healing a hunter. Shaman you'd just keep earth shield on hunter most of the time, purge his target of good buffs, and heal as needed. Pally is super easy as it has more instant heals, so it might be even better for pocket healing a hunter. As stated above, pally is...
  5. AGM's and their use

    Personally, I think it comes down to your playstyle as to which trinkets you equip. I usually run trinket and spell pen, but that's because I enjoy controlling myself and my spells more than surviving. Even when I had a human priest I still ran AGM and spell pen. I just find that spell pen...
  6. Why F2P Priest?

    I rolled a priest because when I played a shaman in Wrath it was always the priests that complained about how resto shamans were so OP (during the time when resto shaman were actually the worst). I've always despised being feared as it is very disorienting. So I decided to roll a priest to see...
  7. F2P Alliance

    Or just make another account, not like it matters if they're all on one account since you can't use the mail anyways.
  8. To all of the people that say "don't bother joining a BG with under 1k health"

    I've kept a rogue with 200 health and rez sickness alive and he went on to cap the flag. I've seen a druid with 500 health cap the flag untouched with everyone in mid. Can you do stuff in bgs with less than 1k health? Yes. Is it always going to work? No. Would it be better if you got to...
  9. Healers: Advice Needed

    I'd go priest/Hpally combo. Priests provide the easiest dps as far as heals go and provide good utility with bubbles and fear. Paladins provide some of the easiest biggest heals along with great cds. Together you're like unstoppable. While stacking the same class is great for giggles, you'll...
  10. Warlocks

    Warlocks can be so baddass in this bracket, so long as you don't run around by yourself and you know how to play one well. I've learned that warlocks are sometimes one of the best classes to follow around as pocket heals. A decent lock can lock down the opposing teams healer and making the...
  11. Prot Warrior FC Race....

    Tauren, fem or male, will always fall a bit behind going up the tunnels when everyone else runs past you still mounted. Which can be a problem if you're going up tunnel to snag flag and someone else goes before you. Shrug.
  12. What if everybody switched their main twink to the first class they ever played?

    Fire mage, well technically I never got high enough to spec but I imagined she was a fire mage. Any time I've tried a mage in pvp I try to play it like a healer...bandaging everyone and casting GoTN on FC. I've not tried mage at all in this bracket as I am health bar obsessed. After that I...
  13. Anti-hunter

    There are a few classes that are good 1v1 against hunters, but the problem is that you're almost never going to be 1v1 in bgs. Most teams you're up against as horde have on average 4 hunters, 2 rogues, 2 paladins, and a healer. The problem with rolling a prot paladin to go up as the...
  14. Why is it

    I'm pretty sure no one really waits for AB, you just do WSG and keep in the AB que and it eventually pops.
  15. More balance to the bracket

    The problem with Alliance mostly having hunters and Horde mostly having paladins, is that hunters still come out on top if equally geared (Idk if skill is even important in that debate). Once saw 8 hunters vs 8 paladins. It was a duh game. Horde could never get past mid. I'm pretty sure...
  16. Things that make you /facepalm

    When Hairyfeet hates leveling so much, and that's the only thing preventing her from joining horde, jk. Take a poll, I'm sure there's plenty of people who would lvl something for you :) When someone offends a disc priest and he's like "I'm done healing," and then also punishes everyone by...
  17. Bothersome ...

    Um, kinda. It's like all day I run into your premade or similar groups of 24s or a group with 4 hunters, 2 healers while the best dps on my team is a warrior/warlock. Then there's that one game a day where we're not facerolled and things are finally even. You could probably find more even...
  18. Finally changing classes, and a confession... (Rogue)

    As someone who plays on a laptop, I know what you mean. The advice on this site seems to be to unbind those keys, level up a new toon, and only use the mouse to move. I've only managed this for like 10 lvls on a few different toons. Honestly, I don't think that 20 lvls is enough to break the...
  19. The new standard in head BIS

    Alliance only quest right? Unless I'm just misreading you. In my opinion, headgear is not so easy to obtain Horde side. I always get terrible RNG with the fishing dailies. I don't play on Sundays, so I'll never on any toon have LFH. If you go with the goggles it's a pretty big sacrifice of...
  20. Do you play the gender you are?

    The very first year there was achievements for Love is In the Air, I didn't even know what most of the horde females looked like. Went around hoping and bunnying random tauren and undead. Finally had to armory some. And Kearbear, I only feel weird about it if I'm playing a tauren female.