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  1. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

  2. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    found this on wowhead....... but they are wrong... right? edit: has anyone here tried making 5 skill up crafts?
  3. The One Ring

  4. Apocalyptic funding 70 twinks

    if there is a way to play for free
  5. Apocalyptic funding 70 twinks

    the chinese farmer paying for my game time canceled the credit card
  6. Warglaives Transmog

  7. Warglaives Transmog

    someone, anyone, there has to be someone out there, transmog your heirloom swords to duel warglaives, it has to be done
  8. Arcane mage discussion

    Don't really see how 5/20 people being mages or hunters is a big deal.
  9. Cc haste mage

    Gloves is only enchant I know
  10. Arcane mage discussion

    i dont understand why every mage goes crit and doesnt hit anything at all, you guys crit 3-5% more than me but are down like 50 spell power and just have a shit ton of intellect. only respectable mage is firetruckk
  11. Cc haste mage

    yeah fuck stam and hit, im thinking belt cloak and 2 trinks all haste would be best for cc, i dont need more stam if i already have around 1800hp and a healer.
  12. Wts shadowfang

    It's on us.
  13. Wts shadowfang

    Would anyone want to buy a shadowfang on vek alliance side?
  14. Cc haste mage

    Has anyone tried cc haste Mage with max haste if so what could you get your frost bolt cast time down to? Im thinking its only going to get around 1.5 which is kinda stupid because you could just run around casting instants and do more.
  15. Max Spell Power Mage

    i have talbar mantle, 248 lol i think thats finally the max. would be pretty fun even though i would have such low health.
  16. Max Spell Power Mage

    lol alright 247
  17. Max Spell Power Mage

    Im trying to get max sp on my mage i think the max number you can get is 243 right now i have 231 the only things i need are: Tattered Dreadmist Mask Black Widow Band Pagan Mitts(of Healing) Superior Cloak(of Healing) Firebelcher Has anyone done this or is there anything...
  18. hai

    hai guyz i just got on a 7 day trial might get back into wow, maybe some of you remember me. also to any mages that have a sp set. i just tried out arcane and its sustainable as fuck. i can burst like 500+ w/ silence on counter spell was the most fun i've had in a while.