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  1. Patch 3.2 - Ambassador title

    he's on area 52, a new realm. He used the Qiraji war effort turn ins.
  2. Rate Me :D

    yeah i should probably make one too. ditch sentry cloak, spidersilk drape. then you can switch the pearl ring for a seal of wrynn
  3. Rate Me :D

    No, Embrace of the viper is awesome
  4. twinks in non-twinks BG after 3.20

    so you like playing with non twinks because you need to be up against bad people for your twink to look good? lol.
  5. twinks in non-twinks BG after 3.20

    am i really reading a bunch of complex plans to play with people who dont offer a challenge?
  6. IRL Photos.

  7. EU WTS Perfect Wrangler's Wristbands of Intellect

    because theyre rare and theyre perfect? you know, like every over obscenely overpriced twink item
  8. What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

    well its worthless now anyway
  9. BoA gear available at level 79?(3.2 xp turned off)

    its 50 per week from wg but a 79 twink is the most pointless thing i have ever heard
  10. Rate my 39 Hunter on Garona - Strydar

    Strydar ^ armory link
  11. dont you hate knowing you missed out on free gold?

    and i didnt win it :(
  12. I need -YOUR- 39 armory.

    Her%C3%B3 you played a big part in creating it :)
  13. Xio and Myrmidon strike again

    something tells me they dont give a crap about the achievement and were just looking forward to trolling you guys
  14. Rate my 39 Rogue

    Her%C3%B3 Constructive Criticism please :)
  15. New twink items via questing?

    is there any point in level 10 twinks now anyway?
  16. BoA items, the death of twinking imo

    if you cba to work for the best gear then you dont deserve the best gear
  17. price check Monolitic Bow

    they go for 200g on bronzebeard EU
  18. US WTS my 19 rogue

    been there, done that XD
  19. [Warning!] Twink Leveling Exploit

    its been around for a bit however, its not a huge problem, run from lightwells and if your really nervous about them make a macro to leave the bg