Search results

  1. Queuing bgs today at 8 pm Gametime.

    you queue'in wargames?
  2. Best 60 Twink?

    hunters are great, they have big dmg and decent control. they lack a little in survivability but they make up for it with the insane amount of burst they can put out. paladins are the most insane support class with freedom, hop and insane off heals. rogues has less dmg and more control than...
  3. Best 60 Twink?

    Im not really sure what you are looking for.. first of all what are you looking to play? pve or pvp? what kinda role would you like to play? the different classes do different things these days.. so you really need to figure out what you want from your twink rather than rolling the "best"...
  4. Barmor is fixed. Queue bgs/arena

    I have been off for a little whine, I might join some queues every now and then..
  5. BiS gear for tank classes.

    wait... did they nerf dark iron helm?
  6. Advice for a 2v2 Skirmish Comp

    if you want to run healer something disc priest is your best bet.
  7. Question about the state of pvp in the bracket.

    I can confirm that disc's are op as F in 60´s.. they do not compare to the sickness of BA stackers but anything less than a rogue warr or warr warr will have a terrible time killing me.
  8. BiS gear for tank classes.

    str neck is wrong you would wanna use barbed choker for max ap. there is also a difference between BiS and max bonus armor.. with the exeption of sulfras every wep you have listed is bad for warr's dk's and druids (im not shure about monk but as far as i know monks doesn't use wep dmg on any...
  9. getting to the new bmah?

    warlock summon is proly the best way..
  10. Warlock Next FoTM?

    CB hits for shit untill you get mastery
  11. Arena is fun and all

    ok I admit it was a bit of a long shot.. but still worth a try =P I was thinking we could plan a weekday that we queue ? some ppl have stuff to plan around and getting enough que'in can be tough. but even in wod it wuld be great having a pop while doing endgame.
  12. Arena is fun and all

    But lets get a bg popped tonight! leave the 2v2 queue and start doing some rep farming or smth while we wait for this one aye?
  13. Skirmish

    i know its because of the prepach but less than 2 minutes queue on 2v2's its more bursty than expected imo hunters hurt... again again again.... EDIT: stopped queue'n gotta go bed.
  14. (Possible) UBRS changes

    Last second luck! i just got the ring.. incredible luck just when needed. the best part was that a random pug from the run got it on roll and traded it.. got a small adrenaline kick from that one..
  15. For you 60s still farming Felstriker

    upper is still faster for the ring so.. i guess im farming for the dagger.. T_T
  16. WoD Skirmishes

    culd be good fun.. im just scared of a fotm rush.. then again.. i play a priest ^^
  17. Need help on making BIS 85 Ret

    we are talking 85 right? is this for pvp or for pve? for max dps i have no idea but in pvp mastery-crit pallys are the ones shitting on ppl...
  18. Comps I should be running as a DK?

    rogue or hunter..
  19. LF BiS arms warr / fury.

    slam hurts again tho.. but still the survival of prot is kinda needed