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  1. Hello

    I missed you all. :o
  2. Hello

    haha, ty but not quite back yet :> Is elemental and enchament not viable?
  3. Hello

    I was wondering the same thing
  4. Hello

    Yes hello, i have a 19 shaman and im considering comeing back to 19 twinking. How is shamans atm, which spec is superior to the others? and how is 19 overall atm? link: Quinp @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
  5. Stop GYcamping

    <3 <3 <3
  6. World of Warcraft

    This is 2 months old, way before release. That cant happen how the game is right now, stop with the negative bullshit.
  7. I heard resi takes skill

    How retarded are you, resi is made to balance pvp. You actually think its more skilled to go full pve gear and 1 shot shit? your fucking pathetic
  8. 3 Thoridals and an OH glaive, hows that for luck

    you are so damn pathetic, gtfo
  9. funding aszune alliance [EU]

    vianco would u rape u 1v1 and u skey heres a chair feel free to sit the fuck down
  10. funding aszune alliance [EU]

  11. Mists of Pandaria 15-19 Talents

    It will help end game.
  12. Best Dk Eu (Taylorswift) Lf Payment Xferr

    ye, who the fuck are you random bad?
  13. Last 5 visitors to profile no longer showing!

    Pizza is a girl.
  14. Best level 70 Rogue and Priest in the world - a MUST read.

    No 1550 achis, you say that you leave and join teams all the time. Each time you leave a time you get -200 mmr or around that so no it isnt 2.4k+ mmr. Try haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarder
  15. Best level 70 Rogue and Priest in the world - a MUST read.

    Then it isnt 2.4k+ mmr.................
  16. Best of 19's EU version

    who the fuck is farley
  17. Best of 19's EU version

    I cant debate with you when your man enough to call your self retarded.
  18. Best of 19's EU version

    Why oh why wont the picture work!? Edit: I MADE IT WORK
  19. Best of 19's EU version

  20. Best of 19's EU version

    skirmish count as arena aswell, and no why would disc/mage be the new lock/shaman?