Search results

  1. L70 Druid Twink

    Dukazuromi - 70 warrior (beats lots of 80s in duels) Meckhak - 70 rogue (6-7.5k ambushs haha) Staain - 70 shaman ( Ele....nuff said) Aeniss - 70 warlock ( Dot dot dead.) xD also lvling a druid and a paly to 70 atm for extreme OPness. Still looking for an 'exp' arena partner :D:D
  2. 70 Premade BGs - Vengeance battle grp.

    Coolies. ill try get one organised. I got my account downgraded WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
  3. Account downgrade/transfer.

    Sweet, just recieved this email from blizzard, "We are happy to provide the downgrade for you. Before this service is complete, I need you to confirm the following conditions. - I understand that I will not receive a refund for the upgrade if it took place over 30 days ago - I understand...
  4. 70 Premade BGs - Vengeance battle grp.

    Anyone out there wanting to start a premade 70 BG (XP OFF) for say WSG/AB/EOTS? i was thinking maybe in like 2-3 days time i unno, Pst if interested :D:D or PM me ingame, Dukazuromi - 70 warrior, Jubei'thos, Horde.
  5. Wotlk 70 toon to BC.

    Sweet, thanks ill try that, yeah im not too fussed about losing money. Sorry for all these downgrade threads lol! Just really want to get it done asap. Every time i called them they said that it could only be done for technical reasons or if u have recently upgraded. (30 days)
  6. Wotlk 70 toon to BC.

    Hmmm, well im gonna try sort this shit out :) maybe i could try asking for their supervisor on thephone or something...until then i shall see you in arena soon.
  7. Wotlk 70 toon to BC.

    Ahhhh! seen you so many times lolol. Man....WTB BC account with the toons that i want on it :(
  8. Wotlk 70 toon to BC.

    <Hardcore Pwnography> you have a lvl 1 toon in it as far as i know. Ive been changing partners this whole season :S Cant find a good one lol, atm im playing with Thorre, a 70 ele shaman, but we are both tempted to lvl as we cant 'steamroll' AV. im at 99% XP lol.
  9. Wotlk 70 toon to BC.

    Hehe, i own a few 70s, Dukazuromi - 70 warrior prot/arms Meckhak - 70 rogue Staain - 70 shaman I think ive only played against you on my warrior though hehe.
  10. Wotlk 70 toon to BC.

    I've been trying this atm. But with no luck :S ill keep trying though. Aparently tohugh, blizzard can 'find out' if you are really getting disconnected etc.. Side Note: i remember you from 2s. lol. Epoch right =D
  11. Wotlk 70 toon to BC.

    Hi, Ok, so blizzard admit that you can 'downgrade' an account if it has been upgraded in the past 30 days, So.... I have 2 accounts one with Wotlk (which my twinks are on) and the other, BC (where i want to move my twinks). Is it possible in anyway to upgrade my Bc account to...
  12. 70 Warrior

    Rating has been removed from all of the brutal gear, all that you need is hte points :)
  13. How easy is it to downgrade your account?

    so if i have a level 80 on the account i want to downgrade i may have troubles?
  14. Dukazuromi, 70 warrior.

    The World of Warcraft Armory - Dukazuromi @ Jubei'Thos - Profile Normally have apolyon, with x3 20 arp gems and executioner. but couldnt log in atm. Am i missing anything? =D
  15. Account downgrade/transfer. this seems really confusing to me. I am on a US acocunt, and i have sent many emails trying to get my account downgraded from Wotlk to BC, ive tred almost everything..from telling the truth to completely trying to BS my way through it. so... i came up with an other idea...