Search results

  1. Redrum

    [EU] WTB IL28 Greens - Peerless/Savant leather/rings/neck w/ socket

    Title. -Needs to be mastery weighted. -Armor Peerless preferred w/ socket. -Neck/rings Savant preferred w/ socket. -Only looking for sockets, idc about tert rolls. Need all slots. Looking to see if anyone has a full set of these stockpiled while hunting for perfect rolls/terts and pricecheck...
  2. Redrum

    EU Activity, worth?

    Wondering if battlegrounds pop and if so how is F2P rogue and is it worth investing time into one for my low level PvP fix?
  3. Redrum

    Why are the pops gone?

    Where are they?
  4. Redrum

    EU So...

    This worth playing? Yay or nay?
  5. Redrum

    Anyone playing MH4U?

  6. Redrum

    so, is wod...

  7. Redrum

    Cmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnn n

    que into my gulch i am your lord i am your master
  8. Redrum

    Anyone follow E3?

    This year's so far is fucking yawnable at best, you know it's bad when the most exciting thing shown at the conferences was a trailer that leaked the night before.
  9. Redrum

    Yesssssssssssssss omg omg omg omg omg

    against all the odds i have successfully posted 250 pieces of useless bullshit and bear the fabled GREEN NAME i am a god
  10. Redrum

    Thinking of joining the bracket? Revival Revised: New and Improved Campaign
  11. Redrum

    how active is this bracket??

    hi im wondering if this bracket has many bg pops looking for an active bracket to play either alliance/hoards lacking?
  12. Redrum

    have we established a more entertaining meta yet?

    ie one better than: rush mid losers lube up at gy 20 minute farm like a bunch of retards on a field day not that #gitgudanddealwithit isnt viable just that gameflow in general is yawnable at best or better question is there comp variety atm? not just...
  13. Redrum

    need help

    trying to decide what button to hotkey my skill on because clicking is inefficient, need advice pros only plz
  14. Redrum

    Twink League: UNDERGROUND

    so i have just been informed that i can earn more infraction points so let's make a game. i think i have 3-5 now unless they expire in which case i have 2 earned today with a possible 3rd from this thread. share your scores tinks.
  15. Redrum

    f2p rogue assistance

    greetings my fellow financially inadequate pals what can i do to improve my f2p rogue's gear? Rèdrum @ Wildhammer - Community - World of Warcraft ps no looms or agms i know this already
  16. Redrum

    burger king or mcdonalds?

    which is better? discuss. (only out of these 2 i know there are better than this trash but if you had to choose)
  17. Redrum

    EU19 Revival Project - Recruitment

  18. Redrum

    Satchel bug.

    To those who were whispering me, yes I have bugged items from the satchel glitch which I have reported to a GM. You can stop whispering me now. Peace <3